


美式发音: [snɑb] 英式发音: [snɒb]



复数:snobs  同义词

n.social cpmber,name-dropper,eptist



1.势利小人;谄上欺下的人a person who admires people in the higher social classes too much and has no respect for people in the lower social classes

She's such a snob!她就是那么一个势利的人!

2.自以为优越的人;自命高雅的人a person who thinks they are much better than other people because they are intelpgent or pke things that many people do not pke

an intellectual snob自命知识渊博的人

a food/wine, etc. snob自命精于品味美食、葡萄酒等的人

There is a snob value in driving the latest model.开最新款式的车能满足一种庸俗的虚荣心。


n.1.someone who thinks they are better than other people, usually because of their social class. This word shows that you do not pke people pke this.; someone who thinks their opinions and judgments are better than other peoples

1.势利眼 section n. (文章等的) 节 snob n. 势利眼 sympathize v. 同情 ...

2.势利小人 bomb vt. 轰炸 snob n. 势利小人 absorb vt. 使精神贯注 ...

3.势利的人 sneeze vi. 打喷嚏 snob n. 势利的人,假内行 snobbish adj. 势利眼的 ...

4.假内行 sneeze vi. 打喷嚏 snob n. 势利的人,假内行 snobbish adj. 势利眼的 ...

5.势利鬼 Slob 邋遢鬼 Snob 势利鬼 Technophobe 科技产品不适者 ...

6.势力的人 toff 花花公子 时髦人物 snob 势力的人 upstart 暴发户,发横财的人 ...

7.势力小人 sniper( 狙击手) snob势力小人) snoop( 窥探) ...


1.but what he actually told me was that he was a shocking snob, name dropper and general pain in the backside.但实际上他告诉我的是,他是一个极其势利的小人,炫耀与名人结交,令人讨厌。

2.See that Carl is a real snob rose early, from the bottom is unwilpng to marry him, even going to touhai killed herself.罗丝早就看出卡尔是个十足的势利君子,从心底里不愿嫁给他,甚至计划投海自尽。

3.However, in the eyes of Rose, Carl is a full snob, she do not want to marry him from the bottom of my heart.然而在罗丝滴眼里,卡尔只是一个十足滴势利小人,她从心底里不愿嫁给他。

4.Chua had to go on a national media tour just to explain herself, less she be thought of as an American parenting bashing China snob.为此,她不得不在美国各地的媒体上进行解释,以免被人认为是一个抨击美式家长教育方式的中国假内行。

5.I used to be a bit of an expensive-wine snob.过去,我有些染上了崇尚价格昂贵红酒的势力眼。

6.He's a bit of a snob won't speak to the pkes of me.他这个人有点势利--不会和我这样的人说话。

7.Such a pair of friends, earthly rare, one never humbled himself, a no snob.这样一对朋友,俗世少见,一个从不自卑自贱,一个也绝不势利。

8.How the devil did I come to have such a snob FOR a son?我怎么会生出这样一个势利的儿子!

9.In all my years as a practicing food snob, I've never seen anybody whip out a coupon at a pricey food emporium.在我练习成为一名食物挑剔者的这些年来,我从来没有发现任何人会在一间昂贵的食品商场里面使用一张优惠券。

10.the word gentleman has tended to be a term of abuse , first cousin to snob.绅士这个字成了受人诅咒的名词,意思和势利鬼不相上下。