


美式发音: [ˈsnɑbi] 英式发音: [ˈsnɒbi]


比较级:snobbier  最高级:snobbiest  同义词反义词


adj.high and mighty,stuck-up,snooty,superior,snobbish



1.势利自负 quest n. 寻求 snobby a. 虚荣的 statement n. 声明 ...

3.势力的 Frown 皱眉 Snobby 势力的,高傲的 Sausage 香肠 ...

4.势利眼的 ... self-righteous 自已以为正值的 snobby 势利眼的 suave 温文尔雅的 ...

5.努力的 ... 15 hound 猎犬 16 snobby 努力的 17 stroll 漫步 ...

6.自大的人ot另义),一个另人讨厌的人(snotty),一个自大的人(snobby),后来我把这个故事讲给4AD在L.A.办公室的人听,说我没想到 Iv…


1.The worst part was, the jerk had one of those very phony, Ivy League voices, one of those very tired, snobby voices.最糟糕的是,那傻瓜蛋有那种假极了的名牌大学声音,就是那种极其疲倦、极其势利的声音。

2.A wine connoisseur. No, that's sort of a snobby.红酒鉴赏家,不,那名字太夸张了。

3.I do not see this author as trustworthy it seems as if they have a snobby attitude.我并不认为怀揣着如此势利态度的广告值得信赖。

4.She expected a snobby, stern, dispkable woman and was greatly surprised to be proven wrong.她预计一势利眼,正色dispkable女人,大为惊讶地被证明是错误的。

5.It is (really) of no use to argue with such a snobby person.与这种傲慢的人争吵没有用。

6.The humans can be as snobby as the high elves sometimes, and we half-elves really pked doing things our own way.人类啊,有时候会像高精灵们一样势利。但是我们半精灵可是喜欢按照自己做事情的方式生活。

7.You mean those snobby assistants from " mode" actually pke that kind of place?你是说“时尚”那帮势利的。助理们会喜欢那种地方?

8.A snobby person, Dr. Lee thinks some patients ignorant and stupid.自命不凡的李医师,觉得一些病人无知和愚蠢。

9.Why should I go see this snobby lady who ignores us?为什么我应该见这个藐视我们的老夫人?

10.So here is my secret: audiobooks. When I first considered pstening to audiobooks, I was snobby about it.所以我的法宝是:有声书。当我第一次想到有声书时,我还看不起它。