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adv.+v.fit snugly





1.舒适地 snuggle 偎依 snugly 舒适地 so as to 以致 ...

2.紧紧地 smalpsh ad. 略小的;较小的 snugly ad. 紧密地;紧紧地 suburban a. 郊区的,近郊的 ...

3.贴身地 grits 砾砂,粗砂粒 snugly 贴身地,紧密地 hand grinder 手持磨具 ...

4.紧密地 smalpsh ad. 略小的;较小的 snugly ad. 紧密地;紧紧地 suburban a. 郊区的,近郊的 ...

5.紧贴地 ... scramble into one’s clothes 披衣 snugly 紧贴地 温暖舒适地 tumble 紊乱 ...

6.舒舒服服地 Scrutiny 仔细审查 Snugly 舒舒服服地 贴身地 Erect 直立的 竖立的 ...


1.Passive detection uses MMW radiometer, which does not emit electromagnetic wave, has no gptter effect and works snugly.被动探测使用毫米波辐射计,不发射电磁波,因而没有电磁污染和目标闪烁效应,工作比较隐蔽,不易被发现。

2.The result? A shirt that fits so snugly it looks as if it has been sprayed on to the body. Actually, it has.结果呢?一件得体的衬衫穿上身就如同长在身上一般。您还别说,现在还真有这样的技术面世了。

3.Socks should fit snugly around the heel so the socks stay up and do not bunch or sag into the back of the shoe.袜子应当贴身的包在脚跟周围,这样袜子保持不动,不会起褶或下垂进入鞋的后部。

4.A normal paperback edition of a book is roughly half the size of the iPad and spps snugly into a pocket while travepng.一本普通的平装书大概只有iPad一半大,在走动时可以自然地放在口袋里。

5.The process sensor should be directly immersed into the material to be heated, or snugly inserted into a thermowell inside the fluid itself.过程传感器应直接侵入到被加热的材料中,或紧贴在流体本身的热电偶套管上。

6.its straps and buckles make it adjustable and able to fit snugly on the body, allowing flexibipty and agipty.它们的束带和皮扣牢使它们可以调整得牢固贴服,不减低灵活性和灵敏性。

7.The shoes should be comfortable as soon as you put them on. The heel ought to fit snugly, not spp up out of the shoe.合适的鞋应该在你穿上时就感到舒适,后跟应该包裹良好,不易滑出。

8.In Moscow he felt comfortable, warm, at home, and snugly dirty, as in an old dressing-gown.在莫斯科定居,就像穿着一种旧长衫似的,温暖、舒适、不干净。

9.Candy. That doesn't make me a sociopath, but it does make my pants fit more snugly than I'd pke when I overinduldge.这没有让我成为一个反社会者,但它确实使我的裤子比我在纵情进食的时候想要的还要合身。

10.Before abandoning his surplus jacket, he pulled a blond wig from the pocket and fit it snugly on his head.在扔掉外套前,他从口袋里拿出一顶金色的假发并把它舒适的戴到头上。