




1.深表遗憾 GO WILD (气得或喜得)发狂 So Sorry 很抱歉 put on steam. 加油 ...

5.真对不起路》、《北京:长安街沿线》;纪录片《老妈蹄花》、《真对不起》(So Sorry)、《童话》等。

6.真抱歉 13 How My Heart Behaves 随心所欲 01 So Sorry 真抱歉 02 I Feel It All 我全懂了 ...

7.但……对不起 ... Straight forward to you 向你坦白 So sorry 但……对不起 I'm just loveahopc 我只是恋爱狂而已 ...

8.如此抱歉 、So quiet↘ 如此安静 、So sorry如此抱歉 、Sorry end↘ 如此结束 ...


1.I really did not expect you to leave so soon, I do not know why I am so sorry.我是真的没有想到你这么快就要离开了,我也不知道我为什么这么难过。

2.Oh, Mr Tumnus - I'm so sorry to stop you, and I do love that tune - but really, I must go home. I only meant to stay for a few minutes.哦,图姆纳斯先生,打断了你的演奏,实在抱歉。我非常喜欢这种曲调,可是我得回去了,真的,我本来只想逗留几分钟的。

3.And, I am so so sorry to see you and a guy who look pke our principle walked out from a hotel.而且,我感到非常非常的对不起的看到你和一个长得像校长的男人单独走出酒店。

4.skim, please. That'd be very nice. Thanks. . . oh no. Janna, I'm so sorry, but I've got to go.脱脂的吧。这杯一定会很好喝的,谢谢。哦…不。詹娜,实在对不起,我得走了。

5."I'm so sorry, " he said impulsively; "but you ARE among friends here, you know. "“非常抱歉,”他冲动地说。“可你知道,你现在是在朋友中间了。”

6.I am so sorry to hear about your wife. I have been thinking of you during this time and if I can do anything please let me know.伦,听到你妻子去世的消息我很难过。我能为你做些什么尽管告诉我。

7.Jason kept repeating, as he hung his head in what looked to me pke misery and bewilderment, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. . . . "杰克森一直都在重复的讲话,他低垂的头,在我看来,是痛苦和困惑的。“我的很抱歉,我真的很抱歉……”

8.So it's been a year now since i started working on this video and I'm honestly not going to finish this any time soon so sorry guys.所以过了一年,因为我现在这个视频开始工作,我老老实实不会完成这个任何时间很快很抱歉的家伙。

9.Lydia. . . We were all so sorry to hear about you and Michael this winter. You were one of those couples everyone roots for.莉迪亚听说你和迈克冬天发生的事情我们都感到很遗憾你们曾是大家看好的一对

10.I am so sorry not to be with you or even able to call you on Father's day.很遗憾父亲节不能与你一起过,甚至连电话都不能打给你。