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1.史黛西 eskimo( 阿力古) stacie( 再见痞子男) neko1116( 许苇晴) ...

3.没有具体的意思 Vincent 文森特 stacie 没有具体的意思 Edwin 艾德文 ...

4.陈嘉纯 林欣怡 Lenna Lin 陈嘉纯 stacie 郭传智 Vincent Kuo ...

5.歌星名称 纽约之歌 New York City 歌星名称Stacie 博德曼( BMG) ...

6.祁晓敏 张晨 eternal_jscj 祁晓敏 Stacie 段佳佳 Dsevilen ...

7.斯黛西 Pag[ 佩格] 珍珠 Stacie 斯黛西 Scarlette 斯佳丽 ...


1.It is a dark and rainy night. Barbie is reading in her bed. Kelly and Stacie run in. "Tell us a story, Barbie, " says Stacie.这是一个黑暗的雨夜。芭比正在床上读书。凯利和斯塔跑了进来。斯塔说:“给我们讲个故事吧,芭比。”

2."The end, " says Barbie. Kelly and Stacie look up. The rain stops. "We pke your story! " says Kelly.“最后,”芭比说。凯利和斯塔抬起头。雨停了。“我们喜欢你的故事。”凯利说。

3.Stacie: Prince Arthas! There's something amiss at the bridge ahead!斯蒂西:阿尔塞斯王子!前方的桥发生了事故!

4.Barbie looks around. She sees a bunny . "There are two princesses named Kelly and Stacie. . . " Barbie begins.芭比看看了四周。她看见了一只松鼠。“从前,有两个叫凯利和斯塔的公主······”芭比开始说道。

5.Stacie: I never wanna see her again.我再也不想见到她了。

6.Kelly and Stacie share their picnic with Bird and Bunny.凯利和斯塔把她们的野餐和小鸟松鼠一起分享。

7.Thanks to our reader, Stacie A. , who sent us the idea!谢谢我们的读者,StacieA.,是他发给我们这样的想法。

8.The rumour is that he and Stacie were once involved.传言他和斯泰西曾一度交往过。

9.Stacie also has the role of the group's 'banker', and is great at playing the inside when she needs to.斯泰西在团队中同样扮演着“财务管理”的角色,在必要的时候,她同样能够出色地担任好幕后工作。