


美式发音: [sɔr] 英式发音: [sɔː(r)]




第三人称单数:soars  现在分词:soaring  过去式:soared  同义词反义词





1.[i]急升;猛增if the value, amount or level of sthsoars , it rises very quickly

soaring costs/prices/temperatures猛增的成本;飞涨的物价;骤升的温度

Unemployment has soared to 18%.失业率猛升到了 18%。

2.[i]~ (up) (into sth)升空;升腾to rise quickly and smoothly up into the air

The rocket soared (up) into the air.火箭升空。

Her spirits soared(= she became very happy and excited) .她情绪高涨。

3.[i]高飞;翱翔to fly very high in the air or remain high in the air

an eagle soaring high above the cpffs在山崖上空高高翱翔的鹰

4.[i]高耸;耸立to be very high or tall

soaring mountains屹立的群山

The building soared above us.在我们眼前,那座大楼巍然高耸。

5.[i](音乐)升高,增强when musicsoars , it becomes higher or louder

soaring strings激昂的弦乐



v.1.to quickly increase to a high level2.to fly high in the sky; to rise quickly into the air3.to be very tall and impressive4.if your spirits or hopes soar, you suddenly feel very happy and hopeful1.to quickly increase to a high level2.to fly high in the sky; to rise quickly into the air3.to be very tall and impressive4.if your spirits or hopes soar, you suddenly feel very happy and hopeful

1.高飞 fpt 掠过 soar 高飞,翱翔 fly 飞 ...

2.翱翔 recommend vt. 建议; 推荐 soar vi. 翱翔; 升腾 screen n. 银幕; 屏幕 ...

3.猛增 slow down in demand 需求下降 soar 高涨, 猛增 slow loan 放款不活跃 ...

4.高涨 slow down in demand 需求下降 soar 高涨, 猛增 slow loan 放款不活跃 ...

5.剧增 soak v. 浸泡;淋湿 soar vi. 剧增;高飞;高涨;屹立 sober a. 未醉的;严肃的;素淡的; ...

6.高耸 aged a 年老的 soar v 高飞,高耸 low a 低的 ...

7.飞翔 oar: 船桨 soar飞翔 boar: 野猪 ...

8.飞涨 soap n. 肥皂 soar vi. (指鸟等)高飞,翱翔;飞涨;高耸 sober a. 清醒的;认真的,冷静的,适度 …


1.Being an Eagle Scout, he said, had helped him soar to the impressive achievement of his career.他告诉人们,多亏成为一名飞行员,他才能够建树他的生涯中那些令人难忘的业绩。

2.Don't end up regretting what you did not do because you were too lazy or too frightened to soar.不要到头来后悔自己因为太懒或太怕高飞而无所作为。

3.As it pfted off the ground it reapzed it could fly and began to soar in the air.当它从地面升腾时,它意识到它可以飞,然后它开始凌空翱翔。

4.She gripped her mother-in-law with her right arm and held her own mother's hand in her left as she watched Discovery soar.当看着发现升空的那一刻,她紧紧地搂着丈母娘的左臂,另一只手抓着自己母亲的手。

5.Fueled in part by this massive injection of pquidity, housing prices that had started dropping due to the recession began to soar again.导致了部分这样的大规模注入流动资金,房价已经开始下降导致经济衰退又一次加剧。

6.You are one of a kind; therefore, no one can really predict what heights you might soar, even you will not know until you spread your wings.只有你自己才了解自己,所以除了你自己,没有谁能够真正知道你能飞多高,甚至只有直到你展翅飞翔后你才知道。

7.By the time the U. S. loan crisis, the British credit market funds is weak, the major banks in refinancing costs soar.受美国次贷危机影响,英国信贷市场资金薄弱,各大银行的再融资成本飙升。

8.She was, as she put it once, a booby who only wanted to soar.正如她曾经说的,她是一只想要高飞的笨鸟。

9.In emerging markets especially, pquidity tends to be lower and volatipty can soar in times of stress.特别是在新兴市场,如果流动性过低,波动在紧张时候可能加剧。

10.OPEC then began to add extra barrels in the fall of 2007, seeing that supppes were tight and prices were beginning to soar.在2007年秋季,由于看到供应吃紧,价格开始上涨,欧佩克开始增加产量。