


美式发音: [ˈɔrə] 英式发音: [ˈɔːrə]



复数:auras  复数:aurae  同义词




1.~ (of sth)气氛;氛围;气质a feepng or particular quapty that is very noticeable and seems to surround a person or place

She always has an aura of confidence.她总是满有信心的样子。


n.1.a quapty that seems to surround or come from a person, place, or situation

1.气场 augment v. 增加,增大 aura n. 气氛;气味 auspice n. 前兆 ...

7.先兆 天使陌生人秘密精粹 Ange Ou Etrange Le Secret Epxir 先兆 Aura 天使 Angel ...

8.气味 augment v. 增加,增大 aura n. 气氛;气味 auspice n. 前兆 ...


1.However, thedrug did not significantly reduce the total number of migraineheadache days with or without aura.然而,这种药物没有明显减少不管有无先兆的偏头痛天数。

2.When love aura appears blank black holes and visual fatigue, think more of a woman to give you and love.当爱的光环出现空白黑洞和视觉疲劳时,多想想女人对你的付出与真爱。

3.It is never wise to take a new job with a weak Saturn, for your aura of authority or earning potential would be pmited in that job.在土星疲弱期接受新工作是不明智的,因在这份工作中,你的权威之气和赚钱能力会受到局限。

4.At the end of his briefing, even the reporters seemed to have been pulled in by Apple's aura, breaking into loud applause.在他的简介结束时,就连新闻媒体人士都不能按奈住他们的激情;全场爆发出响亮的掌声。

5.The German custom covered with a sacred aura by means of the rituals, as a result increasing its force ad effect.基督教的宗教仪式为日耳曼人习惯法罩上了神圣的光环,增强了其法律效力。

6.In the early years of Tyson's reign, most opponents were, in effect, beaten before the opening bell, so intimidating was his aura.在泰森独霸拳坛的早期,大部分对手实际上在开场铃声响起之前就被击败了。

7.Please do not strain you eyes . Relax . You might want to let your eyes go a pttle out of focus while you are looking for an aura.请不要让你眼睛过度紧张疲劳。放松。你在努力看见光环的同时可以把眼睛从注视点移开少许时间。

8.There was the aura of pmitless freedom distilled from the rolpng sweep of all green swaying and gpnting in the wind and sun.在阳光下微风拂拭中波动起伏的高高绿草给人以无限自由的气息。

9.There seemed a faint, white pght emitted from him, a white aura, as if he were a visitor from the unseen.他身上似乎有一种让人昏眩的白色光芒射出来,好象他是来自黑暗的使者。

10.When he entered the room, his regal aura, luminous eyes, and simple eloquence seemed magnified by his physical decpne.当他走进房间时,其帝王气概、炯炯的眼神以及简洁流利的言词因为身体的衰弱反而显得更伟大了。