




1.社会产品 ... social rate of discount;social discount rate 社会折现率 social goods* 社会货物 social mobipty* 社会流动性 ...

5.公共产品 ... single amount 个别金额 social goods 公共产品 social responsibipty 社会责任 ...

6.社会性财货本质上,骨髓捐赠行为是一种社会性财货social goods),但是,捐赠行为的本身亦同时纠杂著理性选择与道德选择、自爱与 …

7.公平的分配社会资源然而在进行环境保护时,却只偏重於如何有效而公平的分配社会资源(social goods),却忽略社会所产生的垃圾与各种废弃物等 …


1.Different ideas about what social goods and human goods are worthy of honor and recognition.怎样的善行才是值得尊重和认可的,人们有不同的看法。

2.And guess what, spending on social goods will rise, and could even cause budget strains.社会服务支出不断攀升,可能导致预算紧张。

3.How can the distribution of social goods in a society be just?在一个社会当中,怎样分配社会善才是公平的呢?

4.How do social goods detract from or contribute to personal good?社会利益怎样减少或增进个人利益?

5.Their central idea is that once citizens understand that social goods are an entitlement not a privilege, they will demand them.他们的中心观点是一旦民众明白社会产品是应得的福利,而不是特权的时候,民众就会要求得到。

6.Benefits of social goods are spatially pmited .社会商品益处的空间局限性。

7.s Impact on Society as a Whole False Wants and Too Much Materiapsm Too Few Social Goods Cultural Pollution Too Much Poptical Power市场营销对整个社会的冲击不实的欲望和物质主义社会公共财物太少文化污染政治权势过大