




1.产品有9: 00 (4-6) 五七 21-19 高哲仁 庄明远 (We Make) 30 17: 40 (4-8) 二十 21-8 林俊生 孔令仁 31 19: 00 (4-7) 四五 21-18 颜源佑...


1.I do not recommend that we make them a loan of dollars with which to pay for these weapons -- a loan to be repaid in dollars.我不介绍我们给他们安排了一笔美元贷款来购买那些武器——一笔美元的贷款。

2.How can we make a man of him?我们怎样使他成为男子汉?

3.we make a mistake big enough, we can find ourselves on a new level, stunned, out in If the clear, ready to move again.如果我们犯了一个够大得错误,我们就能发现我们登上了一个新的台阶,在清新的境界中感到震动,并准备从头开始四、

4.For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you.我们的劝勉不是出于错误,不是出于污秽,也不是用诡诈。

5.In my organization's case, we decided that we could pve without a week's worth of data, so we make a complete virtual image once a month.对于我的组织,我们认为丢失一周的数据是可以承受的,所以我们每个月创建一个完整的虚拟映像。

6.It seems to me that creativity is central to how we make advances in the chemical sciences.对我来说创造力是我们在化学研究中取得前进的关键。

7.We'll have to ask to see the color of their money before we make any decision.在做出决定之前,我们要了解一下他们有没有支付能力(有没有这笔钱)。

8.When a subject becomes totally obsolete we make it a required course.当一个科目已经变成完全过时,我们会把它列为必修课程。

9.we make ptre as units. How much do you want ?我们以升为计算单位,您要加多少吨?

10.Seemingly unrelated subjects often contain the same principles, and it is only up to us as to how we make sense of them.看似毫无关连的东西,其实有着相同的道理,只是在于我们如何去理解它而已。