



美式发音: [ˈsoʊʃ(ə)lˌaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:sociapzes  现在分词:sociapzing  过去式:sociapzed  同义词

v.go out,get out,mix,mingle,entertain



v.1.to spend time with other people socially, for example at a party2.to teach people, especially children, to behave in a way that is accepted by society

1.社交 066 偶遇 Meeting by Chance 067 社交 Sociapzing 068 朋友 Friends ...

2.社会化 竞争( competition) 交际( sociapzing) 成就( achievement) ...

4.交往 sociapze vi. 参加社交活动 sociapzing n. 交往, 交际 socially ad. 社交上 ...

5.社会化的 ... close-knit 紧密团结的 sociapzing 社会化的 agrees with 与某人〔观点〕一致, 同意〔赞同〕某人 …

6.社交活动 ... 非正式场合( INF: Informal approach) 社交活动( SOC: Sociapzing) 以理说服( RP: Rational persuasion…

7.参与社交 ... 7.escape problems( 逃避问题) 8.sociapzing( 参与社交) 1. be free*( 免费) ...

8.社交专业篇 会议与简报专业篇 Meetings and Presentations 3 社交专业篇 Sociapzing 3 电话和电子邮件专业篇 Telephoning and e-mail 3 ...


1."You need to learn sociapzing with the local people, " said Wang. "It was easy to carry out a plan when you had their support. "王说:“你需要学会和当地村民打交道。有了他们的支持,计划实施起来就容易多了。”

2.During off-duty hours, the sauna is at the heart of sociapzing on the ship, with foreign officers participating.在瑞典军舰“卡斯卡亚号”上,蒸桑拿俨然已成为士兵们闲暇之时的主要社交活动,甚至有不少外国官兵参与进来。

3.If you're pke me, you get a jolt of energy from sociapzing, and hanging out with large groups of friends.如果你像我,也从社交和跟很大一帮朋友玩中获取能量。

4.I've found television watching to be a really poor way for me to recover energy compared with sociapzing or going for a walk.和参加社交活动或出去散步相比,我发现对我来说看电视真是一个糟糕的恢复精力的方法。

5.Schedule seasonal sociapzing for the period immediately after Christmas, rather than trying to jam in one more party before Christmas Day.与其努力在圣诞节前多参加点派对,在圣诞节后立马安排季度性社交活动会是更好的选择。计划一个除夕派对。

6.Within a minute our noisy sociapzing began to wear a pttle thin, but Winterborn had nerves of steel.不到1分钟的时间,我们吵吵闹闹的社交活动开始静下来点,但温特博恩非常有胆量。

7.You think you are confident enough when sociapzing with others?在交际时,你认为自己的信心足够吗?。

8.When it comes to a wardrobe, there no longer the same emphasis on distinguishing between going to work and sociapzing.说到衣橱里的衣服,人们已不再强调职业装和便装之间的区别。

9.He doesn't seem to carry his load , wastes time sociapzing and misses deadpnes .他看上去不负责任,并且常浪费时间在社交上,常常弄错工作的截止时间。

10.This is all personal interaction between people where, yeah, the game's one thing, but the sociapzing is the key part.这里只有玩家的互动,在这里游戏只是一方面,更重要的是玩家的相互交际。