


美式发音: [ˈsɑd(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈsɒd(ə)n]




第三人称单数:soddens  现在分词:soddening  过去分词:soddened  同义词反义词


adj.saturated,soaking,soaked,soaking wet,sopping



1.湿透的;湿漉漉的extremely wet

sodden grass湿漉漉的草

2.被…湿透的;浸透…的;饱含…的extremely wet with the thing mentioned

a rain-sodden jacket雨水淋透的夹克



adj.1网址被屏蔽pletely wet

v.1.The past participle of seethe

1.湿透的 headstrong 顽固的 sodden 湿透的(不是悲哀的) sopping 湿透的 ...

2.浸透了的 downtrodden 被压制的 sodden 浸透了的 embolden 鼓励,给…壮胆 ...

3.浸透的 →shed 流出,发散 →sodden 浸透的 →exude (使)流出,渗出 ...

4.浸湿 snarl 使纠缠 sodden 浸湿 solder 焊接 ...

5.浸过酒的 sober adj. 节制的,严肃的,朴素的 sodden adj. 浑身湿透的,浸过酒的 solace n.v. 安慰. 慰藉 ...

6.浸湿的 ... encouragement:n. 在这里引申译为佐证,证明 sodden:adj. 浸透的, 浸润的, 浸湿的 tinge:v. (较淡地)着色 …

7.浸润的 ... encouragement:n. 在这里引申译为佐证,证明 sodden:adj. 浸透的, 浸润的, 浸湿的 tinge:v. (较淡地)着色 …

8.水渍的 ... sodapty 社会 sodden 水渍的 sodden 使变呆 ...


1.That very night, another wizard crept upon the oldest brother as he lay, wine-sodden upon his bed.就在那个夜晚,当大哥躺下后,另外一个男巫悄悄地潜入他的房间,在床上结果了他的性命。

2.Eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roast with fire; his head with his legs, and with the purtenance thereof.不可吃生的,断不可吃水煮的,要带着头,腿,五脏,用火烤了吃。

3.I turned away, remembering a heaving deck and wind-hurtled rain, and holding Keefer by the front of his sodden shirt while I cursed him.我转过身,想起了在那波涛翻腾的甲板上,风雨交加,我一边抓住基弗湿透了的衬衫前部,一边咒骂他。

4.I address you directly Antony. Please psten, as if you were sober and intelpgent, and not a drink-sodden, sex- addled wreck.恕我直言,安东尼,请听好了,以你的冷静与智慧,似乎不是一个嗜酒成性,纵欲无度的痴呆。

5.In a pttle while he would drink himself into sodden sleep and she could sneak into the kitchen add call her family in Long Beach .不一会儿,他就不省人事,昏昏沉沉地睡去。她偷偷溜到厨房,给长滩镇娘家打电话。

6.This higher rate seems to make wet regions more sodden, and arid ones drier. It brings longer droughts between more intense periods of rain.这样会使潮湿地区更加沥涝,乾燥地区更加枯旱,容易造成豪雨成灾和久旱不雨的极端现象轮番上阵。

7.So does Pakistani education, to help get peasants off the sodden land and out of poverty.同样,巴基斯坦的教育也需要全面提升,以帮助贫农得以离开被洪水浸透的田地并脱离贫穷。

8.He set down his bag, and shivered, and took off his sodden hat and gloves and then his dripping greatcoat, which at once began to steam.放下包,打着冷颤,摘下湿透的帽子还有手套,跟着脱下滴滴答答的厚大衣,那衣服很快就开始冒蒸汽。

9.It's an unexpected discovery since the region doesn't appear to get enough rain to support such a sodden landscape.这一发现出人意料。因为这一地区似乎没有足够的江水来维持这种汪洋景观。

10.After which he gathered up her sodden clothes, gently, and put them in a separate heap on the copper-top in the scullery .之后,他收拾起她的湿衣服单独放在盥洗室的铜器顶上。