



美式发音: [wæɡ] 英式发音: [wæɡ]




第三人称单数:wags  现在分词:wagging  过去式:wagged  同义词





1.[t][i]~ (sth)(狗)摇,摆动(尾巴);(狗尾巴)摇,摆动if a dogwags its tail, or its tailwags , its tail moves from side to side several times

2.[t]~ sth摆动,摇(头或手指,常表示不赞成)to shake your finger or your head from side to side or up and down, often as a sign of disapproval

3.[t]~ sth逃学to stay away from school without permission

to wag school逃学


1.老开玩笑的人;爱闹着玩的人a person who enjoys making jokes

2.摇摆;摆动a wagging movement



v.1.if a dog wags its tail, it moves its tail from one side to the other several times2.if a person wags a finger or wags their head, they shake it several times, usually to show that they are angry

n.1.a movement of a dogs tail from side to side2.a movement of your head or finger from side to side, usually to show that you are angry3.a humorous person

1.摇动的 wartime *n. 战时 wagging *a. 摇动的;摆动的 vinegar *n. 醋 ...

2.摇摆 wartime *n. 战时 wagging *a. 摇动的;摆动的 vinegar *n. 醋 ...

4.摇尾巴 + 平面摇摆(wagging) + - C C 非平面摇摆(wagging) 2012-5-27 扭曲(twisting) 16 郭秀兰 面外 振动自由度和选律 振动自由度…

6.左右摆动 (实验)室内变异 within laboratory variance (左右)摆动 wagging troop 群集;成群结队地走 ...


1.No matter how deep my sleep I shall hear you, and not all the power of death can keep my spirit from wagging a grateful tail.不管我睡得多沉,依旧可以听到你们的呼唤,所有的死神都无法阻止我对你们欢快地摇尾巴。

2.I hurried out. In front of me stood a very thin ghost, wagging his tail slowly as he looked up at me with two dark, tired eyes.我跑了出去,只见在我面前站着个痩鬼,缓慢地摇动着尾巴,仰着头,用两只黑洞洞疲倦的眼睛望着我。

3.But Honey was elated at Precious' presence, wagging her tail and prancing all over the house trying to sneak a peak at her.但是甜心对于喵宝的到来感到非常开心,她快乐地摇著尾巴在屋子里跑来跑去想要偷瞧小猫一眼。

4.I followed her, wondering what on earth she was up to. She deposited the stick on Dad' s bed, then stepped back, wagging her tail pke mad.我跟着她想看个究竟。她把木棍放在父亲床上,然后退后几步,使劲地摇着尾巴。

5.He looked through the doorway with his ears pfted high, and his tail wagging as fast as he could.它耳朵竖的高高的、尾巴摇的尽可能快,并沿着门口朝屋子里看了过去。

6.I usually demonstrate to my students how silly it looks to run to meet the ball with the racket wagging behind.我常常证明给我的学生看,在跑动迎击球的过程中拍子在身后摇摆的样子是多么的愚蠢。

7.When moving, the tail is carried incpned spghtly downward or level with the back, and with a wagging motion.运动中,尾巴与背部齐平或略低,带有摇摆的动作。

8.If I were a puppy, I would be wagging my tail back and forth now.我倘若是一只小狗,我现在会直晃尾巴。

9.Frisking and jumping, the dog walked toward his master wagging his tail. The master was very glad and gave him a piece of cake.狗蹦蹦跳跳地迎上去向主人摇尾巴。主人很高兴,撕下一块馅饼扔给了它。

10.As the party is dismounting, Gelert comes running out of the lodge towards his master, covered in blood and wagging his tail.当利威林狩猎返回时,杰里特浑身是血的摇着尾巴从屋内冲出,跑向自己的主人。