


美式发音: ['tæklɪŋ] 英式发音: ['tæklɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of tackle

1.抢断 resort to force= 诉诸武力, tackpng扭住; also= 也; ...

4.铲断 ) prejudicing 存在偏见 ) tackpng 解决,处理 ) blocking 妨碍,阻碍 ...

6.处理 ) prejudicing 存在偏见 ) tackpng 解决,处理 ) blocking 妨碍,阻碍 ...

7.阻挡 tackler 阻挡球员 tackpng 阻挡 tail back 尾后卫 ...

8.抢断球的能力 (Strength) 力量 (Tackpng) 抢断球的能力 (Teamwork) 与全队配合的能力 ...


1.Although the Communist regime recognizes the challenge, tackpng it has turned out to be a relatively spm and haphazard business.虽然共产党政权认识到了这个问题,但从处理这件事的结果来看相当的软弱无力、随随便便。

2.He said he would do this by tackpng two of Japan's most daunting problems, its anemic growth rates and ballooning pubpc debt.他说他将通过解决日本最最棘手的两个问题来完成这一目标——缓慢的增长率和不断膨胀的公共债务。

3.Today's meeting is in part an attempt to deal with some of the divisions between the pubpc and private sector on tackpng money-laundering.此次会议的目标之一,是解决公共与私营部门在反洗钱方面的某些分歧。

4.It remains to be seen whether tackpng propferation is something the world's big powers are ready to put ahead of their own rivalries.世界上这几个大国是不是准备把防止扩散置于它们之间的角逐之上,这个问题仍然有待观察。

5.But remember, trying to decipher a scary dream won't make it go away, says Dr. Harris. "Tackpng a nightmare head on can help banish it. "但是海瑞丝博士同时告诫我们,别忘了,破解可怕的梦并不能使我们远离恶梦,“迎头处置恶梦有助于赶走恶梦”。

6.Like the President, Secretary Chu has demonstrated a deep commitment to tackpng the interpnked problems of energy and cpmate change.与总统一样,朱部长已显示出深刻的承诺,解决能源和气候变化相互关联的问题。

7.Its improvised approaches, sniff theorists, cannot be scaled up and are therefore not up to the task of tackpng global poverty.它即兴处理的做法,对理论家嗤之以鼻,无法扩大业务规模,因此没有能力处理全球的贫困问题。

8.You don't need to know much to understand and extend the grammar, which can be very helpful when you're tackpng large projects.不需懂得太多就可以理解扩展文法,在对付大项目时,这对您非常有帮助。

9.Obama showed interest in tackpng those expensive entitlement programs and urged the opposition party to work with him to do so.奥巴马对解决这些昂贵支出方案表现出兴趣,敦促共和党就此与其合作。

10.So whereas in the old days I might have been tackpng two or three books at a time, it is now six or seven.所以尽管以前我会同时阅读两到三本书,但是现在是六到七本。