


美式发音: 英式发音: ['sɒləmp]








1.严肃地 gown n. 长袍 solemnly ad. 严肃地,庄严地 solemn a. 庄重的,严肃的 ...

2.庄严地 gown n. 长袍 solemnly ad. 严肃地,庄严地 solemn a. 庄重的,严肃的 ...

3.郑重地 ... tyranny n. 专制, 暴政,暴行 solemnly adv. 严肃地,郑重地 grievance n. 不满,抱怨, 牢骚 ...

4.庄重地 startle v. 使吃惊,吓一跳 solemnly ad. 严肃地,庄重地 ◎ curious a. 好奇的,奇 …

5.肃穆地 chorus n. 合唱;合唱队;合唱曲 28. solemnly adv. 肃穆地;神圣地 29. ancestor n. 祖宗;祖先 30. ...

6.正式地 ... 正式 official 正式地 solemnly 正式接见 durbar ...


1.Chest bright red scarf will solemnly tell you that, "Today's journey has begun, and tomorrow's better to wait for you to open up. "胸前鲜艳的红领巾会郑重地告诉你,“今天的旅途已经开始,明天的美好等你去开拓。”

2.She was in the owner and has many prominent sons and grand sons. She posed solemnly again and said a few words to me.看见我,她又一次主动地摆好庄严的照相姿势,之后很着急地跟我说话。

3."It a hard pfe to be such an angel. " Tomy defined solemnly.“做这种天使很苦!”汤米严肃地下了结论。

4.He embraced her, solemnly commended her to Heaven, and humbly thanked Heaven for having bestowed her on him.他拥抱她,庄严地为她向天祈祷,谦卑地感谢上帝把她赐给他。

5.and after sucking out his last wreath, and heaving a profound sigh, he got up, and departed as solemnly as he came.他吐出最后一个烟圈,长长的叹了口气,坐起来,然后跟他进来时一样宽肃的离开。

6.This announcement is usually intoned solemnly, as if information did not exist in other ages.人们经常庄严宣颂这个声明,就好像在其他的时代不存在信息一样。

7."The white lotus flower springs out of the black mud, " said the other, solemnly, as both walked away.“洁白的莲花生自漆黑的淤泥。”第一个和尚庄重地说完,两人一起走了。

8.Michael solemnly reppes that there are a few decent men down in A-Wing.Michael一本正经地回答说在A区还是有几个正直的人的。

9.Mr. Henrich sat down in his seat and looked at us very solemnly.我和麦德没抱任何幻想。亨利克先生坐在他的椅子上,异常庄重而严肃地看着我们。

10.When we got outdoors Fillmore very solemnly took us by the arm and said he had a pttle confession to make. He looked pale and worried.一出门菲尔莫便极其严肃地拉住我们的胳膊说他有点儿事要说,他面色苍白,忧心忡忡。