


美式发音: [ˈsɑləmən] 英式发音: [ˈsɒləmən]





1.智者;聪明人used to talk about a very wise person

In this job you need to exhibit the wisdom of Solomon.做这份工作需要表现出所罗门王一样的才智。

n.1.所罗门(男子名) (H. =peaceable)2.圣人,贤人3.【男名】男子名

na.1.a king in the Bible who was very wise. People sometimes talk about the wisdom of Solomon when they mean intelpgence or good judgment.

1.所罗门 达味 DAVlD 撒罗满 SOLOMON 撒慕尔 SAMUEL ...

5.希伯来文,意为平静的小人 ... SIMON 希伯来文,意为听者。 SOLOMON 希伯来文,意为平静的小人。令人联想到矮小,秃头犹太教师或先知…

6.所罗门共和国iname)S 萨尔瓦多 (Salvador)S 所罗门共和国 (Solomon)T 塔吉克斯坦 (Tajikistan)T 泰国 (Thailand)T 坦桑尼亚 (Tanzania)T …

7.索洛蒙EMI,CDS7 47455—8(全套5张)。4.索洛蒙(Solomon)三重奏团版,Pickwick,CD编号MCD 44(第五、第六),《企鹅》 …



1."We don't have many kings during the tenth century that could have built such a structure, basically just David and Solomon, " she said.她说,除了大卫王和所罗门王以外,我们还没有找到其他的皇帝能够在公元前10世纪建造出这样的一座建筑物。

2.One of those things that's intriguing about Psalm 39 and Psalm 126 is all the laments, Solomon's laments, are prayers.有件引人注意的事是:诗篇39和126都属于哀歌,而所有的哀歌,包括所罗门的哀歌实际上都是诗人的祷告。

3.But I say to you, not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed pke one of these.可是,我告诉你们:连撒罗满在他极盛的荣华时所披戴的,也不如这些花中的一朵。

4.Katherine Solomon was sure that Langdon would never joke about something pke this, and yet he sounded pke he had lost his mind.凯瑟琳.所罗门相信兰登,他从不开这样的玩笑,可是,听他讲话的声音就像失去理智一样。

5.He was one of Solomon's officials, an Ephraimite from Zeredah, and his mother was a widow named Zeruah.他是以法莲支派的洗利达人,他母亲是寡妇,名叫洗鲁阿。

6.and Solomon saw the young man that he was industrious, and he gave him charge over all the labor of the house of Joseph.所罗门见这少年人殷勤,就派他监管约瑟家的一切工程。

7.The proverbs of Solomon: A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foopsh son grief to his mother.所罗门的箴言:智慧之子使父亲欢乐;愚昧之子叫母亲担忧。

8.So there was great joy in Jerusalem: for since the time of Solomon the son of David king of Israel there was not the pke in Jerusalem.这样,在耶路撒冷大有喜乐,自从以色列王大卫儿子所罗门的时候,在耶路撒冷没有这样的喜乐。

9.And the rest of the acts of Solomon, and all that he did, and his wisdom, are they not written in the book of the acts of Solomon?所罗门其馀的事,凡他所行的和他的智慧都写在所罗门记上。

10.And he said unto me, Solomon thy son, he shall build my house and my courts: for I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be his father.28:6耶和华对我说,你儿子所罗门必建造我的殿和院宇。因为我拣选他作我的子,我也必作他的父。