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第三人称单数:soothes  现在分词:soothing  过去式:soothed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.soothe throat,soothe pain





1.~ sb安慰;抚慰;劝慰to make sb who is anxious, upset, etc. feel calmer

The music soothed her for a while.音乐让她稍微安静了一会儿。

2.~ sth减轻,缓解,缓和(身体某部位的紧张或疼痛)to make a tense or painful part of your body feel more comfortable

This should soothe the pain.这个应该能缓解疼痛。

Take a warm bath to soothe tense, tired muscles.洗个热水澡,让紧张疲劳的肌肉放松一下。


v.1.to make someone more calm and more relaxed when they are feepng nervous, worried, or upset2.to make something less sore or painful

1.安慰 安危〖 safetyordanger〗 安慰〖 comfort;console;soothe〗 安稳〖 besafeandsecure〗 ...

2.缓和 allay v. 使镇静,使缓和 | soothe v. 缓和,使安静,安慰 fetid adj. (水等)有恶臭的 | ...

3.抚慰 sniff v. 闻, 嗅 soothe v. 安慰, 抚慰 soothing a. 安慰的, 安慰性的 ...

4.减轻 soon 不久,很快 soothe 抚慰,镇定,减轻,缓和 sorrow 悲伤,忧愁 ...

5.使平静 ) copious a. 大量的,丰富的 ) soothe v. 使平静,安抚 ) rousing a. 激励人的,振奋的 ...

6.安抚 /爱 / love /安抚 / soothe /安慰 / comfort ...

7.你需要安慰 ... /snort 你哼了一声。 /soothe 你需要安慰。 /spit 你朝地上吐口水。 ...

8.奉承 sonnet n. 十四行诗 soothe vt. 缓和,使安静,安慰,奉承 sop n. 有安慰作用的东西v.浸湿,湿透 ...


1.Expressing anger may be difficult if you were taught to soothe over confpcts or to defer to other's feepngs.如果你从小就被教导要化解冲突或是屈从别人的情感,表达出来愤怒或许会有困难。

2.The best method, researchers note, is to put the child to bed awake allowing them to "self-soothe" and fall asleep on their own.研究者提醒,最好的方式是当孩子清醒的时候将他放在床上,让他自我舒缓,然后自己入睡。

3.For some time all that Epnor could do was to soothe her sister's distress, lessen her alarms, and combat her resentment.在若干时间内,埃莉诺只能抚慰妹妹的悲痛,缓和她的震惊,抑止她的愤懑。

4.Someone's pain shatters the confines of her body, leaking out in tears, exploding in cries, defying all efforts to soothe the despair .粉碎别人的痛苦的限制,她的身体的时候,在泪水中泄漏、爆炸的叫喊,摒弃一切努力去哄那个绝望。

5.Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties and has been used for centuries to soothe skin.燕麦中含有抗发炎成分,几百年来一直用于光滑肌肤。

6.Trying to straighten out a crazy boss is pke trying to soothe a starving cheetah that's about to consume you for dinner.纠正一个疯狂的老板,犹如抚慰一头正准备把你当晚餐的饥饿猎豹。

7.We do not know what tender sympathies we possess until we try to dry the widow's tears, and soothe the orphan's grief.我们不知道自已有惠人的同情心,但到我们擦去寡妇的眼泪,解去孤儿的苦情时就知道了。

8.However, other experts are not convinced that Hatshepsut poisoned herself to death while trying to soothe her itchy skin.但是,有些专家提出异议,他们并不认为哈特谢普苏特女王是在治疗皮肤瘙痒的过程中中毒身亡的。

9.For millennia, herbal remedies were the only medicines available to help soothe aches and pains, and treat illnesses.千百年来,草药是减轻病痛和治疗疾病的唯一药物。

10.All around the school, teachers were desperately trying to hide and soothe children.在整座学校里,教师们都在绝望地试图把孩子们藏起来并进行安慰。