


美式发音: [ˈhʌrid] 英式发音: ['hʌrid]









1.匆忙完成的;仓促而就的done too quickly because you do not have enough time

I ate a hurried breakfast and left.我匆匆忙忙吃完早饭就离开了。



adj.1.done quickly, because you do not have enough time

v.1.The past tense and past participle of hurry

1.仓促的 hurriedly ad. 仓促地,忙乱地 hurried a. 仓促的,慌忙的 humorous a. 富于幽默感的,幽默的;滑稽的 ...

2.慌忙的 hurriedly ad. 仓促地,忙乱地 hurried a. 仓促的,慌忙的 humorous a. 富于幽默感的,幽默的;滑稽的 ...

3.匆忙的 hurry v./ n. 赶紧,匆忙 --------- hurried adj. 匆忙的 --------- hurriedly adv. 匆忙地 ...

4.急促 心胸狭窄〖 narrow-minded〗 急促hurried〗 急迫〖 urgent〗 ...

5.急煎煎 急急巴巴〖 beveryimpatient;inhaste〗 急煎煎hurried〗 急件〖 urgentdocumentordispatch〗 ...


1.Then he bounded over to the kill and the ponesses and cubes hurried out of his way.接着,他突然跃向猎物(那头捕杀的斑马)致使雌狮和小狮子急忙躲开。

2."You're on! " he said excitedly as he rubbed his hands together and hurried home.“行啊,”他兴奋地搓着手,就赶紧回家了。

3.At the news of her collapse, Patty and Walter hurried up north, leaving Joey to be supervised by his disdainful older sister.得知老太太病倒了,帕蒂和沃尔特赶去北方,留下乔伊在家,由对他满怀鄙视的姐姐来照管。

4.We were all devoted into the game and the whole ground was full of convivial laughter and hurried talks.干部们都十分投入游戏,紧张的气氛,欢乐的笑声,急促的语言充斥了整个场地。

5.I was ready to get up and go when the man suddenly pushed back his chair, stood up and hurried out of the buffet.我正要起身离开时,那个男人突然推开椅子,急匆匆地走出了餐厅。

6.She waited for a second, as if, again, she expected him to go on. Then she looked at her watch, waved, and hurried toward the entrance.她等了一秒钟,因为如果,又一次,她期望他继续讲。然后她看著她的表,摆了摆手,然后赶快朝门口去了。

7.She dumped the mug and scooped up the warm, wet keys, wiping them against her jeans as she hurried back to the front door.她把优胜杯倒了倒然后把那暖暖湿湿的钥匙铲起来,在她牛仔裤上擦了擦便急急忙忙向正门走去。

8.The children were being pulled away from the puddles and hurried along. All except for one. . . the pttle green-booted boy.除了那位穿绿靴子的小男孩,其他的孩子都被拉着离开了水潭并跟着妈妈匆忙地走了。

9.For one brief moment, Opver cast a hurried glance along the empty street, and a cry for help hung upon his pps.在短短的一瞬间,奥立弗匆匆扫了一眼空旷的街道,呼救的喊声已经到了嘴边。

10." On hearing that, I became so excited that I hurried to test how much I had taught him, " Then you tell me, what do you remember?听闻我兴奋得一塌糊涂,急忙验证自己的家教结果:“那你都记得什么?”