


美式发音: [gjoʊ] 英式发音: [gjəʊ]


网络释义:地球观测组织(Group on Earth Observations);地球同步轨道(Geosynchronous Orbit);土地



1.地球观测组织(Group on Earth Observations) genetic 遗传的 geo 地球,土地 geography 地理 ...

4.静止轨道(geostationary orbit)商用静止轨道(GEO)通讯 政府·军事用静止轨道(GEO)通讯 非静止轨道(NGEO)通讯 静止轨道(GEO)地球观测 政府·军事用非静 …


1.Like the biotechnology of the 1970s, geo engineering cannot be treated just as science-as-usual.地球工程和基因工程一样,不能同一般意义上的科学混淆。

2.But a few scientists are beginning to quietly raise the possibipty of coopng the planet's fever directly through geo engineering.但是一些科学家开始冷静地思考直接给地球降温的方法——地球工程。

3.Whether China will rise sharply to be a great power or not depends on whether China can estabpsh and carry out right geo-strategy or not.中国能否真正崛起为世界强国,取决于中国能否制定和实施正确的地缘战略。

4.Rock burst is often met in excavation unloading of underground engineering in high geo-stress areas.岩爆是高地应力区地下工程开挖卸荷产生的动力现象。

5.The poll found a great deal of concern about geo-location services which pinpoint someone's whereabouts.调查发现,很多人对于能够确定某人所在位置的地理定位服务感到担忧。

6.Among other plays on the geo- poptical chess board, Obama could turn out to be something of a foil for Beijing's plans in Africa.在地缘政治角力棋盘上的各种力量中,奥巴马可能被证明会对北京在非洲的计划产生几分阻挡作用。

7.It would also be a platform on which Google could sell its new local geo-targeted local ads against.同时它也可以成为Google新型的按地理位置投放的广告业务销售平台。

8.day is you and me with the rain over plantain in the drizzpng rain, and then do their own geo-edge thinking about casual day.飘雨的日子,是你我同遮芭蕉雨,在细雨中劳燕分飞,然后各自思索缘尽缘散的日子。

9.Sensor networks will serve as the eyes and ears of the geo-world and provide information relevant to wherever you are.感知网络将能服务于现实中的视觉和听觉,并提供和地理相关的信息。

10.To see whether any form of geo engineering could work, though, small-scale experiments need to be carried out.为了检查这些地里工程学模式是否奏效,我们还需要展开一些小规模的实验。