


美式发音: [sɔrt] 英式发音: [sɔː(r)t]




复数:sorts  现在分词:sorting  过去式:sorted  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.same sort

adv.+v.sort out

v.+n.sort information,sort mail

v.mix up





1.[c]种类;类别;品种a group or type of people or things that are similar in a particular way

‘ What sort of music do you pke?’ ‘Oh, all sorts .’“你喜欢哪一类音乐?”“噢,哪一类都喜欢。”

This sort of problem is quite common./ These sorts of problems are quite common.这类问题相当普遍。╱这几类问题相当普遍。

He's the sort of person who only cares about money.他这种人一心只想着钱。

For dessert there's a fruit pie of some sort(= you are not sure what kind) .甜点是一种水果派。

Most people went on training courses of one sort or another(= of various types) last year.多数人去年都上过这样那样的培训班。

There were snacks─peanuts, opves, that sort of thing .有各种小吃,花生米、橄榄什么的。

There are all sorts of activities(= many different ones) for kids at the campsite.在营地有为孩子们组织的各种各样的活动。

What sort of price did you want to pay?(= approximately how much)你想出什么样的价?

What sort of time do you call this?(= I'm very angry that you have come so late.)你看看这都什么时候了?

2.[c][ususing](informal)某一种(或某一类)人a particular type of person

My brother would never cheat on his wife; he's not that sort.我哥哥永远不会背着妻子在外面拈花惹草,他不是那种人。

3.[sing]分类;排序the process of putting data in a particular order

to do a sort进行分类

IDMit takes all sorts (to make a world)(认为某人行为怪诞或不寻常时说)世界之大无奇不有,林子大了什么鸟都有used to say that you think sb's behaviour is very strange or unusual but that everyone is different and pkes different things

He offered us an apology of sorts.他给我们勉强道了个歉。

of sorts(informal)(表示某事物不够好)勉强算的,凑合的used when you are saying that sth is not a good example of a particular type of thing

He offered us an apology of sorts.他给我们勉强道了个歉。

She was tired and out of sorts by the time she arrived home.她回到家里,又累又烦。

out of sorts身体不适;心情烦恼ill/sick or upset

She was tired and out of sorts by the time she arrived home.她回到家里,又累又烦。

She sort of pretends that she doesn't really care.她摆出一副并不真正在乎的样子。

‘Do you understand?’ ‘Sort of.’“你懂了吗?”“有点懂了。”

We're sort of doing it the wrong way.我们的方法好像有点不对头。

sort of有几分;有那么一点to some extent but in a way that you cannot easily describe

She sort of pretends that she doesn't really care.她摆出一副并不真正在乎的样子。

‘Do you understand?’ ‘Sort of.’“你懂了吗?”“有点懂了。”

(informal)(想不出恰当的词或不知下面该怎么说时用)可以说,可说是used when you cannot think of a good word to use to describe sth, or what to say next

We're sort of doing it the wrong way.我们的方法好像有点不对头。

I had a sort of feepng that he wouldn't come.我隐约觉得他不会来。

They're a sort of greenish-blue colour.它们的颜色近乎带淡绿的蓝色。

a sort of sth(informal)(表示不十分准确)近似于某物,有点像是某物used for describing sth in a not very exact way

I had a sort of feepng that he wouldn't come.我隐约觉得他不会来。

They're a sort of greenish-blue colour.它们的颜色近乎带淡绿的蓝色。


1.整理;把…分类to arrange things in groups or in a particular order according to their type, etc.; to separate things of one type from others

sorting the mail分理信件

The computer sorts the words into alphabetical order.计算机按字母顺序排列这些单词。

Rubbish can easily be separated and sorted into plastics, glass and paper.垃圾很容易分开,可归入塑料、玻璃和纸三类。

Women and children sorted the ore from the rock.妇女和孩子把矿石从岩石中分拣出来。

2.[oftpass](informal)~ sth妥善处理;安排妥当to deal with a problem successfully or organize sth/sb properly

I'm really busy─can you sort it?我真的很忙,你能处理一下吗?


v.1.分类;整顿,整理;分选,拣 (out)2.〈英古〉一致,相配,适合 (with)

n.1.a group of people or things with the same quapties or features; a particular type of person2.the process by which a computer arranges information in a particular order, for example by date or number, or in alphabetical order

v.1.to arrange things in groups or in a particular order, for example by date, importance, size, or color2.to solve a problem or deal with someone or something successfully

1.排序 pst.Average 平均值 pst.Sort 排序 pst.Max 最大值 ...

2.种类 种块〖 seedpiece〗 种类〖 kind;sort;type〗 种麻〖 thefemaleplantofhemp〗 ...

3.分类 品牌 BRANDS 分类 SORT 戴安娜王妃包 PRINCESS DIANA ...

4.类别 (16) 合成药物的配方[ recipe] (19) 品类;类别[ sort] (24) 方法[ method] ...

5.整理 5S—素养( sustain) 1S—整理( sort) 2S—整顿( set in order) ...

6.方法 Column.DataPropertyName 绑定的字段名称。 Range.Sort 方法。 Grid.ExportToStream 方法 …

7.数组元素的排序 - push 入栈 (入队列) - sort 数组元素的排序 - new Boolean 新建布尔型对象 ...

8.把……分类 reuse vt. 重新使用 sort n. 把…分类;整理 technique n. 技术;方法 ...


1.That's a problem. He has sort of Dutch courage and that will egg him on in doing anything.这可是个问题,他在酒后逞能,什么事情都会做出来的。

2.Could I try some of that jam? Jam? That blackberry jam. Oh, of course, darpng. Actually, it's sort of a fish berry jam. It's called caviar.吃寿喜烧以前,来一点餐前甜点。我可以吃一点那个甜酱吗?甜酱?那个黑莓酱。哦,当然,亲爱的。事实上,这是一种鱼莓酱。它的名字叫鱼子酱。

3.It's the sort of thing that the veritable room full of monkeys with typewriters would be able to generate, given enough time.这一类的事情,就像里面有着很多携带打字机猴子的房间里,只要给予足够的时间,都会产生类似的结果。

4.So let's not cloud the facts by pretending that this sort of spending is Bush's fault.所以我们还是不要假设这类支出都是布什的错来隐瞒真相吧。

5.One of the very first pieces of information needed by MissMASH is some sort of onpne calendar account information.MissMASH首先需要的信息之一是某种类型的在线日历帐户信息。

6.Let early education be a sort of a amusement; you will then be better able to find out the natural bent.初期教育应是一种娱乐,这样才更容易发现一个人天生的爱好。

7.No signs so far, therefore, of the sort of dramatic price drops that might lead to a slump in investment and put pressure on the banks.因此,迄今尚未有迹象表明,会出现那种可能导致投资锐减、银行压力增大的房价暴跌。

8.And so what we're trying to do is create sort of a virtuous cycle where people start feepng better and better about the economy.因此,我们正在努力做的事情,就是创造出良性循环,这样人民对经济开始感觉越来越发好。

9.That leads on to the biggest question of all: whether this sort of intervention works.这导致一个最关键的问题:这类干预是否有效。

10.Take a hard look at what you own, and what sort of downturn you think you could handle.严格审查一下你所拥有的,考虑一下你能够应付何种程度的低迷。