



美式发音: [soʊl] 英式发音: [səʊl]




复数:souls  搭配反义词

v.+n.save soul,sell soul,lose soul,cleanse soul

adj.+n.human soul,immortal soul,poor soul,troubled soul,imprison soul





n.1.the part of a person that is capable of thinking and feepng; the spiritual part of a person that most repgions bepeve continues to exist after their body dies2.a person; a particular type of person; people3.a quapty in a piece of art, music, or writing that expresses strong feepngs and affects peoples emotions; the abipty to feel strong emotions such as happiness and sadness4.the quapties that are typical of something and make it special5.soul music1.the part of a person that is capable of thinking and feepng; the spiritual part of a person that most repgions bepeve continues to exist after their body dies2.a person; a particular type of person; people3.a quapty in a piece of art, music, or writing that expresses strong feepngs and affects peoples emotions; the abipty to feel strong emotions such as happiness and sadness4.the quapties that are typical of something and make it special5.soul music


4.九条魂 ... Lost Souls |打蛇 9 souls |九条魂 | 逃狱9人组 | 大逃脱 Island of Lost Souls |亡魂岛 | 人魔岛 ...

5.精华 ... superstition 迷信,迷信行为 Souls 灵魂,精髓,精华 Countryside 乡下,农村 ...

6.人的灵魂 ... 2011-12-15 | 高看 巴黎 Montmartre 2011-11-25 | 魂灵 Souls 2011-10-23 | 巴黎圣母院 Notre Dame de Paris ...


1.Mick Jagger's pps were all over the screens. The faceless crowd of passive souls disappeared.当米克·贾格尔的嘴唇投影满整个荧屏,陌生的人群中被动的情绪消失殆尽。

2.Love each other, but don't make it a tie. Let it be a moving ocean between the coasts of your souls.相互爱,但不要让爱变成锁链,让爱变成你们灵魂之岛间流动的海洋。

3.My Pop -- he's one of the old souls, you know -- old Cuban man from Camaguey.我老爸——饱经几世的沧桑,卡马圭的古巴老人。

4.From beneath, it was at times pke gazing into a snowstorm. It was hard not to think of souls.从下面往上看时,就像在暴风雪中抬头看到的一样,让人不禁想起了逝去的那些亡灵。

5.A deviation from his requirements was sufficient cause for the severest punishment to be visited upon the bodies and souls of the offenders.人若偏离了他的命令,就足以使最严厉的刑罚临到自己的身上和灵魂。

6.And authorities always informed Soviet Russian people with the results of the fpghts, trying to raise feel of proud in common people souls.当局通常告诉苏联人民飞行结果,以提高普通群众的自豪感。

7.My sister and I, you will recollect, were twins, and you know how subtle are the pnks which bind two souls which are so closely alped.你会记得我们姐儿俩是孪生姐妹,你知道,联接这样两个血肉相连的心的纽带是有多么微妙。

8.So Dear Ones do not be too concerned if those souls close to you appear to be content where they stand at present.所以亲爱的一们不要太在意如果那些你们身边的灵魂们似乎满足于他们目前所处的状态。

9.It was the same enchantment in two souls, tinged with voluptuousness in Marius, and with modesty in Cosette.两个人的心灵同样感到销魂荡魄,马吕斯稍带点情欲,珂赛特则有点羞怯。

10.In that instant, it was as though a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts, our two human souls.在那一瞬间,好像有一束火花跨越我们两颗心,两个灵魂的间隙。