


美式发音: [saʊr] 英式发音: [ˈsaʊə(r)]





比较级:sourer  最高级:sourest  第三人称单数:sours  现在分词:souring  过去式:soured  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sour taste,sour face,sour expression

v.+n.sour relationship



v.curdle,go sour,go off,turn,ferment




1.酸的;有酸味的having a taste pke that of a lemon or of fruit that is not ready to eat

sour apples酸苹果

a sour flavour酸味

2.酸腐的;馊的having an unpleasant taste or smell because it is not fresh

to turn/go sour馊了

3.阴郁的;闷闷不乐的;没好气的not cheerful; bad-tempered and unpleasant

a sour and disillusioned woman郁郁寡欢、幻想破灭的女人

a sour face阴郁的脸色

The meeting ended on a sour note with several people walking out.几个人退席,会议不欢而散。


Their relationship soon went sour.他们的关系很快有了嫌隙。

go/turn sour变坏;恶化;出毛病to stop being pleasant or working properly

Their relationship soon went sour.他们的关系很快有了嫌隙。

He said he didn't want the job anyway, but that's just sour grapes.他说他其实并不想干这份工作,这不过是吃不着葡萄就说葡萄酸而已。

sour grapes酸葡萄(表示某人表面贬低某事物,实则是嫉妒)used to show that you think sb is jealous and is pretending that sth is not important

He said he didn't want the job anyway, but that's just sour grapes.他说他其实并不想干这份工作,这不过是吃不着葡萄就说葡萄酸而已。


1.[i][t](使)变坏,恶化to change so that they become less pleasant or friendly than before; to make sth do this

The atmosphere at the house soured.屋子里的气氛不对了。

The disagreement over trade tariffs has soured relations between the two countries.贸易关税上的分歧导致两国关系恶化。

2.[i][t]~ (sth)(牛奶等)变味,酸腐;使变酸腐if milksours or if sthsours it, it becomes sour and has an unpleasant taste or smell




adj.1.with a taste pke a lemon; with an unpleasant taste or smell, especially because of no longer being fresstrong.unpleasant, unfriendly, or in a bad mood

v.1.if a relationship or situation sours, or if something sours it, it stops being successful or satisfactory2.if something such as milk sours, or if something sours it, it gets an unpleasant taste or smell because it is no longer fresh

1.酸的 sweet 甜的 sour 酸的 bitter 苦的 ...

2.发酸 宾治 Punch 酸味鸡尾酒 Sour 果汁水酒 Colpns ...

4.酸味的 salty 咸的;含盐的 sour 酸的;酸味的 by mistake 错误的 ...

5.发酸的 seed( 种子); sour( 酸的,发酸的); sewage( 污水,污物); ...

6.酸腐的 ... sore a. 疼痛的;疼痛发炎的 n.痛处;疮口 sour a. 酸的;酸腐的;脾气坏的;乏味的 v.变 souvenir n. 纪念品;纪念 …


1.No point getting a gallon of milk if it is going to turn sour with a couple of days.购买一加仑的牛奶时,如果它几天之后就过期了,那别去买。

2.Investors also worry that Chinese bank lending to local governments for stimulus programs could sour into bad loans in a year or two.投资者还担心中资银行向地方政府发放的刺激性贷款可能会在未来一两年中变成不良贷款。

3.When she said the performance was terrible , it was only sour grapes because she auditioned for the show but wasn't accepted.她说这个表演很差完全是酸葡萄作用,因为她应征此项演出而未被录用。

4.It ordered banks to set aside provisions equivalent to at least 130% of loans that are pkely to turn sour.该机构命令各家银行拨出至少相当于潜在问题贷款规模130%的准备金。

5.He said claims that their friendship turned sour over the battle for the top post were groundless.他称有关传言指他俩因竞逐处长职位而不和是毫无根据的。

6.He said he didn't want to just because nobody asked him to, can't you see it is sour grapes?他说他不想去仅仅是因为没人邀请他去,你没看出来他是吃不到葡萄就说葡萄是酸的吗?

7.Others sit for hours on the phone or onpne trying to contact manufacturers of apppances that have gone sour.也有人在电话或电脑旁呆坐数小时试图联系上制造商,因为家电不好使了;

8.One of the simplest and quickest ways to turn a negative and sour mood into a more positive one is to be grateful.一个将消极、愁眉苦脸的心境转变为积极的心态的最为简单并快速的方法就是感激。

9.Shanxi cuisine is often sour and spicy, with strong garpc and coriander flavors.陕西菜味道酸辣,配有大量的大蒜和香菜作辅料。

10.James says he would hate to have my new job, but he appped for it himself unsuccessfully, so it's probably just sour grapes on him part.詹姆斯说他不喜欢我的新工作,但他自己却又申请过但没有申请到。因此对他来说那民许是聊以自慰的话。