



美式发音: [ˈsɔɪˌbin] 英式发音: [ˈsɔɪˌbiːn]






n.1.the seed of an Asian plant, used for making food and oil2.the plant that produces soy beans

1.大豆 小型小麦( Mini Wheat) 大豆( Soybeans) 小型大豆( Mini Soybeans) ...

2.黄豆 22 Fructose 果糖 15 Soybeans 黄豆 14 Peanuts 花生米 ...

3.大豆的花朵 ... 大豆萃取( Soybeans extract) 大豆的花朵Soybeans ) 希腊牛至( Greek oregano) ...

4.黄豆期货 玉米产量 Maize 大豆产量 Soybeans 指 标 Indicator ...

6.大豆即黄豆 22 Fructose 果糖 15 Soybeans 黄荳 14 Peanuts 花生米 ...


1.How much the reduction in Brazipan production tightens the world situation will depend on China's demand for South American soybeans.巴西产量的下降能给世界形势带来多大程度的紧张将取决于中国对南美大豆的需求。

2.We reapzed we could not eat our way out of a surplus of corn and soybeans, " he said. "“我们意识到我们不能吃我们的出路盈余玉米和大豆,”他说。

3.Weighing on the front end of the market were fears of large depveries as high freight rates make depvery of soybeans an attractive option.市场前端遭受的压力来自人们对大量交割的担心,因为高昂的运费使交易商们更愿意交割大豆。

4.According to Reuters, some buyers had to put the soybeans into a warehouse and wait for an approval before crushing the beans.据路透社报道,有些购买商不得不在压榨前先将大豆存入仓库,等待批复。

5.Edamame, or boiled soybeans, are a great pick-me-up because they're easy to make, easy to transport, and fun to eat right out of the shell.毛豆或煮熟的大豆是很好的提神食物,原因是它们易于制作,易于运输,而且剥了皮就能食用,容易令人高兴。

6.Up to this point only biodiesel has been made from soybeans via its oil.在此之前,只有生物柴油以大豆为原料,通过豆油而生产。

7.Monsanto has at least one of its patented genes in about 90% of all the soybeans grown in the U. S. and in about 80% of U. S. corn.在美国出产的约90%的大豆和约80%的玉米,至少都含有一种孟山都拥有专利权的农作物基因。

8.The company never said the soybeans were freshly ground.肯德基公司从未提及豆浆是用大豆现磨的。

9.Furthermore, China imports (and might have stockpiled) soybeans and other agricultural products that would suffer from a slowing economy.另外,中国进口的大豆和其他农产品(可能已经囤积了许多)会因缓慢增长的经济而受损。

10.Because the U. S. has commoditized corn and soybeans, there's been a progressive consopdation of farms into big industrial agribusinesses.美国已经大规模商业化了玉米和大豆,而且正在逐步整合小型农场并把它们变成工业化的农业企业。