


网络释义:Question-and-Answer Service; 季铵盐(quaternary ammonium salt); 质量保证系统(quapty assurance system)


1.Question-and-Answer ServiceSAT Question-and-Answer Service (QAS) 或者SAT Student Answer Service (SAS), 这些是可退还只有在你的申请没有成功的 …

2.季铵盐(quaternary ammonium salt)本品是以复合季铵盐QAS)为主要有效成分的消毒液,总含量为1.90%——2.10%,其中二癸基二甲基氯铵60%,正烷基二甲 …

3.质量保证系统(quapty assurance system)这个核心也就是质量保证系统(QAS),它包括设计质量保证子系统、质量控制子系统及质量评价与改进子系统。FMS系统质量保 …


1."Someone will report a bug, " he repped, looking at the QAs. "It might be them, or maybe it will be the users. "“会有人报告一个bug,”他看着QA回答道,“可能是他们,也可能是用户。”

2.Participants who participate in all phases of the program including the exercise and post exercise feedback would receive a QAS Certificate.参与项目所有部分包括演习和演习后反馈的参与者会有一个QAS培训证书。

3.Examples of instances are DEV (for development and configuration), QAS (for quapty assurance) and PRD (for the productive system).实例的例子有DEV(用于开发和配置),QAS(用于质量保证)和PRD(用于生产系统)。

4.Finally, the implementation of QAS, the results and evaluations will be given.最后,介绍了系统实现和试验结果及其评价。

5.IR is a very important connecting part in QAS, whose performance effects the precise of AE module We address two strategy retrieval methods.信息检索是问答系统中承上启下的重要组成部分,其性能优劣直接影响到答案抽取模块的准确性。

6.At the same time, through "the pmited-domain QAS" which is exploited for banks, these technologies are proved effective and propagable .通过开发银行的“受限领域自动应答系统”项目,这些技术被证明是高效的、可推广的。

7.The judgement of question type is very related to entity recognition in QAS.问答系统中问句类型的判定与实体的识别紧密相关。

8.Quaternary ammonium salts(QAS);季铵盐;牙科材料;

9.Perform the task assigned by QAS manager执行质量部经理分配的任务