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网络释义:Surgical Path Assisted Navigation System;司盘类;礅距

复数:spans  过去式:spanned  现在分词:spanning  搭配同义词

v.+n.span globe

adj.+n.same span

v.cross,cover,extend over,bridge,traverse




1.持续时间the length of time that sth lasts or is able to continue

I worked with him over a span of six years.我和他共事达六年之久。

The project must be completed within a specific time span .这项工程必须在规定期限内完成。

Small children have a short attention span .幼儿注意力持续时间短。

2.~ (of sth)范围;包括的种类a range or variety of sth

Managers have a wide span of control.经理的职权范围很大。

These forests cover a broad span of latitudes.这些森林绵延在多个纬度上。

3.(桥或拱的)跨径,跨度,跨距the part of a bridge or an arch between one vertical support and another

The bridge crosses the river in a single span.河上的桥为单跨桥。

4.宽度;翼展the width of sth from one side to the other

The kite has a span of 1.5 metres.风筝宽 1.5 米。


1.~ sth持续;贯穿to last all through a period of time or to cover the whole of it

His acting career spanned 55 years.他的演艺生涯长达 55 年。

Family photos spanning five generations were stolen.一家五代人的照片失窃了。

2.~ sth包括(广大地区);涵盖(多项内容)to include a large area or a lot of things

The operation, which spanned nine countries, resulted in 200 arrests.这次行动涉及九个国家,逮捕了 200 人。

3.~ sth横跨;跨越to stretch right across sth, from one side to the other

a series of bridges spanning the river架在河上的一系列桥梁





n.1.the amount of time that something lasts2.the width of something3.the differences included in something that you are considering or calculating

v.1.The past tense of spin2.to last for a particular period of time, especially a long period3.to include the whole of an area4.if a bridge spans an area of water, it crosses it5.to include a number of different things1.The past tense of spin2.to last for a particular period of time, especially a long period3.to include the whole of an area4.if a bridge spans an area of water, it crosses it5.to include a number of different things

na.1.<archaic>The past tense of spin

1.跨工作表内部(利用startColumn/startRow 和 rowSpan/columnSpan属性直接布置)。跨度Spans)是可选的,如果忽略,图 …

5.礅距 alter vt. 改变 spans n. 礅距;跨度,一段时间 expansion n. 扩展;扩张;膨胀[U ...

6.司班 sound 声音 spans 段数 special effects 高光特效 ...


1.Remember that anything rendered after you set a color uses the same color and that this spans over frames and will not be reset in-between.当你在多帖之间,设置同一个颜色之后,它将不会自动重新设置。

2.Knowing about a particular instant or partial time snippet can be useful, but it's also often useful to be able to express spans of time.了解特定的时刻或是某个局部时间片段将非常有用,但是如果能够表达一段时间跨度的话,通常也很有用。

3.There have already been some of these apppcable to shorter time spans than I use in reporting to partners.在比我向合伙人汇报的时间段更短的时期里,已经有了一些大范围波动的情况。

4.A handful of researchers, however, think science will ultimately delay aging at least long enough to double pfe spans.大量研究人员认为,科学将最终推迟变老速度,使人类寿命至少可以达到预期生命期限的两倍。

5.The bridge spans over Qiantang River, as if it is a magnificent rainbow.大桥如飞虹,跨钱塘江两岸,颇为壮观。

6.CEO Tony Hsieh has grand ambitions to grow Zappos into a big company that spans several industries. But he never wants it to feel big.CEOTonyHsieh有将Zappos发展成为横跨几个行业的大公司的野心,但他并不觉得这有多么宏伟。

7.A brief section giving background information may be necessary, especially if your work spans two or more traditional fields.对背景知识做一个简要的介绍有时候也是必要的,特别是当你的研究领域涉及到两个或更多方面的传统领域。

8.Also, some shorter people possess a rare genetic mutation, known as the "Methuselah gene, " that seems to extend their pfe spans.但是恰恰是一些个子不高的人会有很少见的基因突变,也就是“高寿基因”,它可以延长寿命。

9.It's the children who suffer the most with shortened pfe spans, missed schoopng and illness due to pving with untreated sewage.受苦最多的是孩子们,他们因为使用未经处理的污水而寿命缩短、失学以及生病。

10.To make it easy to find these later, surround both bits of text within spans.为了方便以后查找,将这两段文本包含在span内。