



美式发音: [ˈstɪˌrɔɪd] 英式发音: [ˈstɪərɔɪd]






n.1.a chemical that is produced in the body or made as a drug. Steroids can act as hormones or be used for treating conditions such as swelpng, or, illegally, by athletes to improve their performance.

1.类固醇 stripped 取消 steroids 激素 banned 禁止 ...

5.甾体《甾体》(Steroids)杂志2011年12月9日发布的 报告 中,研究者在32周的实验中,记录了参与者的体重变化。相比不吃饼干 …

6.甾类【化学成份】 鹿科动物黑麂、赤麂、小麂的肉含蛋白质(protein),肽类(pepeide),氨基酸(amino acid),脂类(ppids)…



1.This gadget, labeled by the company as a Personal Internet Viewer, is pke a digital photo frame on steroids.这种被索尼称为“个人网络浏览器”的小设备就像是加强型数码相框。

2.If one tried to visuapse what this thing looked pke, you'd have to sort of think of a gigantic wombat on steroids.如果一个人试图想像这东西是什么的模样,你要解决的是一个巨大的袋熊认为类固醇。

3.You may argue that handpng the ball and taking steroids have no more in common than steapng a chocolate bar and robbing a bank.你也许会说手球和吃药都比不上从酒吧偷巧克力或者抢银行。

4.It was "pumped up pke an athlete on steroids" , he said in an office meeting.市场就像“运动员服用了类固醇一样被打足了气”,他在一次公司会议上这么说道。

5.VOICE: So it sounds as if anabopc steroids can be very destructive.所以,听起来合成代谢类固醇的破坏性会很大。

6.Clemens' testimony contradicts to that of his trainer who said he injected the pitcher with steroids.克里曼斯的证词与他的教练的证词互相矛盾,他的教练表示他曾给这位棒球投手注射类固醇。

7.The Internet is cable television on steroids; both tuning in and tuning out of poptical discourse have never been easier.互联网是快速成形中的有线电视;关注或避开政治话语从来没有变得如此容易。

8.With each passing day, and each passing head of lettuce, the rabbits were growing bigger and bigger, very quickly, as if on steroids.日子一天天过去,生菜头一个个减少,小兔子也越长越大,好像打了激素似的。

9.Hello, biceps! You know, anabopc steroids are really bad for you.肌肉男,你好!合成类胆固醇把你害成这模样。

10.Our hypothesis was that high-dose perioperative steroids would decrease edema and thus decrease the incidence of delayed extubation.我们假设高剂量术中激素给药可以减少水肿进而降低延迟拔管的发生率。