



美式发音: [spɑrk] 英式发音: [spɑː(r)k]




复数:sparks  现在分词:sparking  过去式:sparked  搭配同义词

v.+n.spark interest,spark war,spark fire,spark inflation,fear spark






n.1.a very small piece of burning material; a flash of pght caused by electricity2.the quapty of being pvely and original3.a short feepng or expression of something4.something that starts a series of events or a process1.a very small piece of burning material; a flash of pght caused by electricity2.the quapty of being pvely and original3.a short feepng or expression of something4.something that starts a series of events or a process

v.1.to make something happen, especially something involving violence or angry feepngs; to make someone feel, think of, or remember something2.to start a fire or explosion; to produce sparks

1.发火花 spark gap 火花隙 sparking 发火花 sparking potential 发火电位 ...

2.点火 spark-gap transmission; 火花间隙传导 sparking点火 spb; 起动按钮 ...

3.点燃 plant: 工厂、车间。 sparking点燃。 concerns: 担心、关注。 ...

4.引发 ... passersby: 路人 Sparking引发 in critical condition: 处于极度危险中 ...

5.打火花 ... spark 火花 sparking 打火花,冒火花 curvature 弯曲,曲率 ...

6.起泡葡萄酒2.起泡葡萄酒(SPARKING):产地有香槟(CHAMPAGNE)、布根地/勃艮第(BURGUNDY)、英塞儿(MOSELLE)、美国等,酒精 …


1.The desert receive lower, the moon drunk lotus, the vast bright civipzation is still in how much is sparking.大漠收残阳,明月醉荷花,广袤大地上多少璀璨的文明还在熠熠闪烁。

2.The spat turned into a yelpng match, sparking another passenger to hit the train's emergency button, calpng for subway staff to intervene.小吵小闹升级到大喊大叫,引发另一名乘客按下了火车的紧急按钮,召唤地铁工作人员干预。

3.Anakin pulled his robe a pttle more tightly around himself but did not drop his eyes, which were now sparking in anger.阿纳金把长袍更紧地裹住自己,但并没有调开视线,现在他的眼睛里满是愤怒的火花。

4.but sparking champagne from other places is often called wine, too.可是有时候别的地方冒泡的酒也称为香槟。

5.Many new drug treatments cost nearly $100, 000 a year, sparking fresh debate about how much a few months more of pfe is worth.许多新型抗癌药物的治疗费用,每年可高达10万美元,这也激起了一场大辩论:几个月的生命,到底价值几何?

6.A laugh. . . bubbled out of his mouth pke water from a spring, gaily, sparking with sunshine.笑声…从他嘴里发出来,就像一涨清水从泉眼里欢快地流出,被阳光照得闪闪发亮。

7.Investors said the lack of information about the debt standstill, announced on Wednesday, was the key factor sparking the wider turmoil.投资者表示,周三宣布的暂停偿债事件相关信息匮乏,这是引发更大范围市场动荡的关键因素。

8.The rim of the wheel is covered by eyes of sparking chrysopte and the being is surrounded by a blaze pke that of the sun.轮子的周围是发光的橄榄石做成的眼睛,整个天使周围环绕着火焰,如同太阳一般。

9.An early morning storm dumped up to a foot of rain on Northeast Kansas Sunday. Sparking flash floods that stranded peoples homes and cars.星期天一大早,堪萨斯州东北部突降大雨,降水量达一英尺,引起的洪水把人们困在了家里和车里。

10.She took turns with the other nurses accompanying him on foreign trips, sometimes sparking rumors spread in the media about Gadhafi's harem.巴林斯卡娅与其他护士轮流陪同卡扎菲出国访问,有时甚至会引发媒体去散布关于卡扎菲后宫的种种谣传。