




1.千禧 miptanta. 好斗的 millenium n. 一千年,千禧年;太平盛世 mimic a. 假装的,模仿的,草拟的 ...

3.千禧琴高峰)结束此生,将自己比如“冷冻”起来,等到某个“千年至福盛世太平”(millenium)的时代出现时,再回阳接着生活;第五 …

7.千禧年公司演组合”(Filmmaker’s Co-op)、“千禧年公司”(Millenium)、“开映公司”(Picture Start)、“生活电影集团”(Collective for Li…


1.Should note that this was a standard room - not the upgraded Millenium Club room.必须说明的是这是个标准间,不是那种升级的千禧年俱乐部的房间。

2.When the year comes to an end, there is always some anticipation for the future, especially for this year, a start of a new millenium.每当岁末年终,总是对新的一年有些期许,尤其是今年适逢跨入另一个世纪,在人们眼中也显得特别有意义。

3.Millenium, all those whose names were not on the Book of Life shall receive Judgment at the great white throne.时间是在千禧年之后,所有死了的罪人都要复活接受审判。

4.Not pke others, he chose to stay in front of his computer to welcome the New Millenium.跟别人不同,他选择呆在电脑前迎接新千年的到来。

5.What can Beauty, Truth and Justice mean, for women, women artists specifically, at the millenium ?千禧年的美丽、真实与公义,对于女性,特别是一些女艺术家,有什麽意义呢?

6.The outside floor indicator and call buttons remain original but the interior was refurbished to this OTIS style millenium look in 2007.原装机外楼层显示器及启动按钮被保留,但内部在2007年被装修至这个奥的斯款式的千禧年样子。

7.All past sinners who were dead, from Adam to the end of the Millenium.地球上所有死了的罪人,包括从亚当到千禧年的结束。

8.The title "The Best Woman Football Player of the Millenium" went to a Chinese, Sun Wen.“千年最佳女足运动员”的称号授予了中国运动员孙雯。

9.Various views of the famous London Eye. An engineering wonder, built to celebrate the new millenium in 2000.著名的伦敦眼的各种景致。一个工程的奇迹,在2000年为庆祝新千年而建成。

10.The technology will be demonstrated as an experiment on the New Millenium Program Deep Space 1 (DS1) mission.该技术在新千年计划深空一号(DS1)任务的试验中将得到证明。