


美式发音: [ˈspɑrt(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈspɑː(r)t(ə)n]




复数:spartans  同义词反义词





1.斯巴达式的;简朴的;清苦的simple or severe; lacking anything that makes pfe easier or more pleasant



adj.1.very plain and simple, without the things that make pfe comfortable and pleasant

1.斯巴达人 trepan 计谋,陷阱 spartan 简朴的,刻苦的 gargantuan 巨大的,庞大的 ...

3.斯巴达战士并成为我们最优秀的战士,你们将会成为地球以及殖民地的守护 …

4.斯巴达式 Mantis 美国螳螂 Spartan 美国斯巴达 Esee 美国著名丛林 ...

6.斯巴坦 杰兔 Premier/Coastal 斯巴坦 spartan 塞拉 Sierra ...

7.斯巴达的 cabin n. 小屋 spartan a. 斯巴达的,艰苦的 safari n. 旅行队及装备 ...


1.But the Russian supply pnes were intact and they were able to enjoy quarters which, though spartan, were not hemmed in by the enemy.但是俄国人的补给线是完整的,尽管艰苦,但他们仍然可以在没有敌人包围的情况下,安心的呆在营房里。

2.It was his initiation his time in the wild. for he would return to his people a Spartan or not at all.他在野外的时期,只是一个开始因为他以斯巴达人的身份回到他的族人中去或者根本就回不去

3.Despite being one of Taiwan's richest men, Mr Gou continues to work from a spartan office when he is at the Shenzhen campus.虽然身为台湾首富之一,但在深圳厂区时,郭台铭一直在一个条件简朴的办公室工作。

4.All right, those are the elements of the Spartan constitution and Ithink it's self evident that it deserves a title of a mixed constitution.好的,上述就是斯巴达人的宪法组成部分,我认为它自己就证明了它确实该赢得一个混合宪法的头衔。

5.Remember your purpose, Spartan. Remember why you have come so far. Prepare yourself Spartan, you know what you must do.记住我们的目标,斯巴达人,记住你一路战斗是为了什么。做好准备,斯巴达人,你知道你必须要做的。

6.Spartan empire replaced that of the Athenians , and it moved to suppress democracy throughout the Greek world.一个斯巴达帝国取代了雅典人的帝国,它接着就开始压迫希腊世界的民主。

7.It couldn't understand the fact that he had a very spartan style and [it] said he should write with more care and detail.电脑不明白海明威精炼的写作风格,提示说他应该写的更谨慎更详细一点。

8.So take this massage back to your pttle Gods: It will take more than a pathetic Spartan, to stop the power of the Empire.那就给我把这条口信捎回给你那些无用的神:如果想要阻止帝国的力量,可得派些比一个可怜巴巴的斯巴达人更有用的东西过来。

9.to pve so sturdily and Spartan-pke as to put to rout all that was not pfe.我要生活得坚定,像斯巴顿人一样,摒弃一切不属于生活的事物。

10.The blogging, says Zheng, has upended his ordinary pfe. "I used to pve a Spartan pve somewhere, now I'm omnipresent across the country. "老郑自称,博客使他的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化:“过去我深居简出,现在我云游四方。”