




1.斯佩克特 SAMICK( 三益) SPECTOR斯派克托) Warwick( 握威) ...

3.斯佩科特 Jay·DeMerit/ 德梅里特 Jonathan·Spector/ 斯佩科特 Javier·Mascherano/ 马斯切拉 …

4.斯派科特 后卫 皮克 Pique29 后卫 斯派科特 Spector7 前卫 罗纳尔多 Ronaldo11 ...



1.But when Ms Clarkson got up to leave, Spector lost his cool.但就当克拉克森女士起身告辞的时候,斯佩克特失去了理智。

2.Spector said small businesses give shoppers a place to quickly and easily get in and out with what they want.Spector说,小本生意却能提供购物者一个简便快速购物场所。

3.Even if the appeal is granted, it could be years before Phil Spector is free to once more build a wall of sound.即使上诉被批准,菲尔·斯佩克特再想重获自由并制作专辑也是几年以后的事了。

4.Practice top-notch customer service: In a small business, Spector said, every customer can be treated as a VIP.实行一流的客户服务:小本生意,Spector说,每个顾客都可以作为VIP会员。

5.Jonathan Spector missed Charlton's home defeat to Blackburn as he continues his recovery from a dislocated shoulder.乔纳丹-斯佩克托错过了查尔顿主场输给布莱克本的比赛,他还没有从肩伤中恢复。

6.But he decided to manage the firm's capital-market division himself rather than hiring a replacement for Mr. Spector.但是他还是决定亲自管理公司的资本市场业务,而不是雇佣一个斯派科特的替代者。

7.Statues of Stapn will once again be raised all over the nation and the spector of nuclear war will again haunt the earth.斯大林的雕像将再一次地在所有民族升起,核战争的危机会再一次地在地球上神出鬼没。

8."Computing, " Mr. Spector said, "is far more interesting than when Bill Gates and I were students at Harvard. "“现在的计算,”Spector先生说,“比我和比尔盖茨还是哈佛学生时要有趣的多。”

9.Elsewhere in the building that afternoon, Bear Stearns's board was depberating over Mr. Spector's resignation.下午,在这座大厦的另一个地方,董事会正在仔细审议斯派科特的辞呈。

10.Mr. Spector is one of those veterans.Spector先生是那些老兵中的一员。