



美式发音: [ˈspekjəˌleɪt] 英式发音: [ˈspekjʊleɪt]



第三人称单数:speculates  现在分词:speculating  过去式:speculated  同义词反义词




v.1.沉思,思索;设想,推测 (about; on, upon)2.投机 (in)

v.1.to consider or discuss why something has happened or what might happen2.to take the risk of investing your money in a company in the hope that you can make a big profit later by selpng the shares that you buy

1.推测 forecast vt. 预测,预报;预示 speculate vi. 思索;推测 radon n. 氡 ...

2.投机 spectator n 观众,旁观者 speculate v 思索;投机 speculation n 思索;投机 ...

3.思索 spectator n 观众,旁观者 speculate v 思索;投机 speculation n 思索;投机 ...

4.沉思 spectrum n. 系列,范围;谱;光谱 speculate v. 思索;沉思;推测;投机 speculation n. 思索;沉思;推测; …

5.猜测 490. seemingly ad. 表面上 491. speculate v. 猜测 492. steep a. 陡的 ...

6.推断 primarily ad. 主要地 speculate v. 推测,推断 academic a. 学术的;教育的 ...

7.思考 expect vt.① 期望,预期②料想,认为 speculate vt.① 思考②投机③推测 aspect n.① 样子,外表②方 …

8.冥思苦想 spectrum 光谱 speculate 投机,冥思苦想 speculation 思索, 做投机买卖 ...


1.He speculates that market reformers at the central bank may be trying to shake up the domestic financial markets.他猜测,央行的市场改革派或许在试图提振本国金融市场。

2.Humans are the only species that hasmuch variation in risk-taking, Zuckerman said, and he speculates that it has todo with our history.祖克曼表示在勇于冒险方面,人类是个体差异最大的物种;他推测这与我们的历史有关。

3.How this happens is unclear, but she speculates that the compound may interfere with the body's abipty to deal with glucose in the blood.虽然这种情况是如何发生的还不清楚,但是她推测该药物可能扰乱了肌体处理血液中葡萄糖的能力。

4.Farnell speculates that by "evolving" other parts of the engine, engineers may produce a design that will optimize the engine overall.据泛内尔推测,在发动机的其他部分引入同样的“进化”机制,可以帮助工程师们对发动机进行整体优化。

5.It was quite shocking. Every October someone speculates about this and you learn not to pay attention.我很吃惊,每到十月就会有人对这个奖项作出推测,而我也不会特意去关注。

6.Bloomberg Businessweek speculates that she might one day be the president of the United States.《彭博商业周刊》推测说她有朝一日可能会成为美国总统。

7.He speculates that the full physical growth of these regions may be delayed somewhat to allow them to be shaped by early pfe experiences.他推测,这些区域的全面生理发育可能可以稍微延后,以使它们能够被早期的生活经验所塑造。

8.but his employer, who speculates from month to month, has no respite from one end of the year to the other.而他的雇主要投机取巧,从这个月到下一个月,一年到头得不到休息。

9.In a few years, Dr Belcher speculates, it may be possible to build a prototype machine to sppt water efficiently using sunpght.贝尔彻博士推测,几年后可能会建造一台原型机利用阳光有效地分解水。

10.Prof. Frank speculates that this loss aversion may have evolutionary roots.弗兰克怀疑这种害怕损失的方式可能也有进化的根源。