


美式发音: [spent] 英式发音: [spent]






adj.spent,expended,paid,paid out,exhausted



1.[ubn]用过已废的;失效的that has been used, so that it cannot be used again

spent matches用过的火柴

2.筋疲力尽的very tired

After the gruelpng test, he felt totally spent.紧张的考试过后,他感觉筋疲力尽了。



v.1.The past tense and past participle of spend

adj.1网站屏蔽ed and no longer useful2.very tired

1.花费 6.keep 保持 7.spent 花费 8.difficult 困难 ...

2.度过 sustained 维持(生命、生存) spent 花(时间),度过 on sth 或 ...

3.废的 spent steam 废汽 spent 废的 spent 耗尽的 ...

4.失去效能的 chubby adj. 丰满的, 圆胖的 spent adj. 用尽的, 精疲力尽的, 失去效能的 forty num. 四十, 40n.四十岁 ...

5.失去效用的 spendthrift n. 挥霍者 spent adj. 精疲力竭的,失去效用的 spiny adj. 多刺的,棘手的 ...

6.筋疲力尽 ... 动脑筋 to use one's brains;to think 筋疲力尽 spent 尽力而为 to strive;to try one's utmost ...

7.花掉将他花掉(Spent)1万元一事报告李某恩,有美人兮,见之不忘,一日不见兮,思之如狂。一个人害怕做的事,往往是他应该做的 …


1.The new operating team spent a year more to settle down and refine the operation before original efficiency objectives were met.新的经营团队花了一年多下来,原来之前,改善运作效率目标的满足了。

2.My mother loved the sunshine. When she was well-she had a garden and she spent many days in the garden close to the sunshine.我母亲很喜欢阳光,她身体好的时候都会几天都呆在自己的园子里,享受阳光。

3.When coming up to the surface, they must spend as much time decompressing as they spent under 50 meters of water.在回到水面后,他们必须花上在50米的水下相等的时间来减压。

4.Korean-born Jeannie Cho Lee, the only Asian among the world's 279 Masters of Wine, spent two years trying to puzzle out precisely that.韩国出生的李志延(JeannieChoLee)是全球279位“葡萄酒大师”(MastersofWine)中唯一的亚裔,她花了两年时间来努力给出上述问题的准确答案。

5.For example, you may know you spent X amount of dollars developing code, but you won't know how much code was actually developed.例如,你可能知道你花费了X数量的美元开发代码,但是你不知道实际有多少代码被开发了。

6.Then, for $750, Srey Neth spent a week with the casino manager. He did not use a condom.然后为了750美金,SreyNeth与这位赌场经理待了一星期,从没用过安全套。

7.Lamed with a bad leg, Melville became separated from his companion and spent a month alone in the company of the natives.Lamed一个坏腿,梅尔维尔成为脱离他的同伴,并花了一个月仅在该公司的本地人。

8.Not the least reason was that I spent those first four pving at home -- driving into RISD everyday, driving back.挺重要的一点是改变了我上学在家两点一线的生活--开车去学校,再开回来。

9.Spent a night writing a lonely heart pen of the welter of notices, the next day she issued a document imposed on her boyfriend in the BBS.花了一个晚上写了一篇文笔飞扬的征友启事,第二天她便在BBS上发文征男友。

10.And do not ignore it, got to, put out a general fighting the enemy's posture, and consciously handsome spent.且不管它,下了地,摆了个将军杀敌的架势,自觉帅呆了。