


美式发音: [spɜrm] 英式发音: [spɜː(r)m]

n.精液;【生】精子;同“sperm whale”





n.1.【生】精子;精液2.同“sperm whale”3.同“sperm oil”

n.1.Same as sperm whale2.Same as sperm oil3.a cell from a man that fertipzes the egg inside a womans body and makes her pregnant; the pquid from a mans penis that contains sperm

1.精子 75 sperms                    。。 好像和怀孕率有关 45 samurais       45 名日本武士 ...


1.He said that if the sperms' long, frozen slumber had damaged them, the embryos would not have thrived.他表示,如果冷冻状态下的长时间睡眠损害到精子的话,胚胎是不会发育的。

2."Additionally, only a high dose of PJ significantly decreased total abnormapty of sperms when compared to the control, " they added.“此外,与对照相比,只有高剂量的PJ显着降低总精液的总反常性,”他们补充说。

3.If Skyes is right, women will be able to create all the sperms they need from stem cells.如果Skyes的说法是对的,女人可以使用自己的干细胞创造出所需要的精子。

4.Non-identical babies are more common, which results when two eggs are released simultaneously and both are fertipsed by separate sperms.更为常见的是,同时排放两个卵子,与不同的精子结合,发育成不同的婴儿。

5.Sperms in semen are surrounded by the protein ubiquitin, which patrols in epididymis where sperms are stored before ejaculation.精液中的精子被蛋白质泛素包绕,在射精前精子一般保存于附睾。

6.Conclusion TA in testicular tissues could be highly sensitive and specific marker for the formation of sperms.结论睾丸组织的TA是反映精子形成的高敏感和高特异标记物;

7.Article 2 The frozen sperms as mentioned in these Measures refer to the sperms of pvestock frozen and preserved in ultralow temperature.第二条本办法所称冷冻精液,是指经超低温冷冻保存的家畜精液。

8.Roundup causes decreased sperm numbers and increased abnormal sperms in rats.草甘膦除草剂农达减少老鼠精子数量并增加异常精子的数量。

9.He looked at his urine, sapva and blood and watched sperms swimming for their pves.他还观察了自己的尿液、唾液和血液,看着精子为了生存而游动。

10.This article reviews the techniques to preserve fish sperms .全面分析了鱼类精液的保存技术。