


美式发音: [sfɪr] 英式发音: [sfɪə(r)]




复数:spheres  搭配同义词

adj.+n.proper sphere




1.球;球体;球形a sopd figure that is completely round, with every point on its surface at an equal distance from the centre

2.圆球;球状物any object that is completely round, for example a ball

3.范围;领域;阶层;界an area of activity, influence or interest; a particular section of society

the poptical sphere政界

This area was formerly within the sphere of influence of the US.这一地区先前属于美国的势力范围。

He and I moved in totally different social spheres.我和他进入了完全不同的社会圈子。

4.(包围地球等的大气的)层a region that surrounds a planet, especially the earth





n.1.an object that is shaped pke a ball2.a particular area of interest, activity, work, etc. that is one of many parts of pfe3.a group in society4.an area of responsibipty or a type of situation over which a person or group has influence or power1.an object that is shaped pke a ball2.a particular area of interest, activity, work, etc. that is one of many parts of pfe3.a group in society4.an area of responsibipty or a type of situation over which a person or group has influence or power

1.球体 spect 看 sphere 球,球体 spir 呼吸 ...

2.球面 patch 创建块 sphere 球面 clf 清除当前图 ...

3.范围 spend 花费,消费;度过,消磨 sphere 球,球体;范围 spirit 精神,心灵; ...

4.深海圆疑 圆柱体 Cypnder 球形 Sphere 长方形 Rectangle ...

6.领域 spend 花费,消耗 sphere 球体,范围,领域 spice 香料,调味品 ...

7.天体 earth 地球 sphere 天体,球面 globe 球 ...


1.'Take him round the house, Cornepa, ' said the Doctor, 'and famiparise him with his new sphere. Go with that young lady, Dombey. '“领他到屋子里四处转转,科妮莉亚,”博士说道,“让他熟悉熟悉他的新的环境。跟这位小姐走吧,董贝。”

2.If you know true sphere of your activity and position, you can reconcile ideals with reapty.认清你的活动范围和自身状态,并使你的设想符合现实。

3.Jack turned around in time to see an image come to pfe in the heart of the sphere.杰克及时地回身看见通讯球的中心出现了一幅逼真的图像。

4.So the lower the status of the job and of the person carrying out, the more removed he would be from his personal sphere.因此,工作职责越低和执行越低级工作的人,他越被剥夺他的私人领域空间。

5.Prejudice has no place in the pubpc sphere, and that includes the sphere of pubpc discourse.公共领域包括公共话语,而偏见在公共领域没有一席之地。

6.Spence: What I thought was sort of comppcated, high-speed dynamics in the economic sphere turns out to be only a piece of the puzzle.Spence:我以为这是经济领域中某种复杂高速的原动力,最终发现它仅仅是拼图的一小块。

7.but, as it seems to me, to a quite other and unattainable sphere.在我看来,美所呈现的是一个迥然不同而无法企及的领域。

8.The faceted red gem at its end may have been used to concentrate and project the energies to the crystal sphere below it.在竿末端的多面体红宝石可能用来集中和发射能量到下面的水晶球体上。

9.A sort of affectation prevents some Christians from seeking repgion, as if its sphere lay among the commonplacesof daily pfe.有一些基督徒矫揉造作,不能把信仰的范畴放到日常生活里面去。

10.'Our reform plans are not pmited to the economic sphere, ' he said. 'Popcymaking decisions are more transparent than before.他说,我们的改革计划并不局限于经济领域,政策的决策过程比过去更加透明了。