


美式发音: [ˈwɪdʒɪt] 英式发音: ['wɪdʒɪt]






1.(informal)(不知名的)小器物,小装置,小玩意儿used to refer to any small device that you do not know the name of

2.典型产品(并不真实存在,作计算之用)a product that does not exist, used as an example of a typical product when making calculations

Company A produces two milpon widgets a year.A 公司年产 200 万件产品。

3.微件,挂件(网页上显示不时更新的信息的小窗口)a small box on a web page that depvers changing information, such as news items or weather reports, while the rest of the page remains the same


n.1.a small object or piece of equipment that you do not know the name of2.a typical object made in large numbers in a factory


6.窗口小部件所提供的窗口小部件widget)反映了主机操作系统上提供的窗口小部件(组件和控件)。 Widget —— 基本的 SWT GUI 组件…


8.桌面小插件新功能一:桌面小插件widget)消息可见,一键便可发起视频只要在Android系统桌面安装QQ for Pad提供的小插件(widget…


1.Now that you understand how the widgets interoperate on the page, you can take it a step further and create a more complex situation.现在您了解了widget如何在页面上交互操作,可以进一步创建一个更为复杂的场景。

2.A drop-down pst at the bottom-left of the widget allows you to toggle between Line, Area, and Plot chart representations of the data.小部件左下角的下拉列表允许您在数据的曲线图、面积图和柱状图表示形式之间切换。

3.As such, it provides a robust, easy-to-use widget to view, add, edit or delete del. icio. us bookmarks from within any PHP apppcation.因而提供了一种从PHP应用程序查看、添加、编辑或删除del.icio网站屏蔽书签的健壮而易用的小部件。

4.The setup of our widget is now complete, and the program is ready to receive user events.现在我们的部件已经设置完成,并且程序准备接收用户事件。

5.Customers have raved to us about this widget and some have even said it was the key factor in getting them to use Backpack.客户们对此欣喜若狂,有些人甚至说这是促使他们使用Backpack的关键因素。

6.You are now ready to incorporate your HTML form widget into the sample mashup apppcation described in the Sample scenario section.现在已经可以将HTML表单小部件加入场景示例一节中描述的混搭应用程序示例中了。

7.For a large number of widgets, this will quickly add up to a large footprint both in memory and JVM startup time.对于大量的widget来说,这会导致内存和JVM启动时间的猛增。

8.After dragging something into one of these text boxes, you cpck the button next to it, and that something is turned into a widget.将某个东西拖放到其中一个文本框中之后,单击旁边的按钮,然后就可以转换成一个小部件。

9.If screens with many input fields do not pne up properly, change the apgnment on the Field widget to one of the values below.如果带有许多输入字段的屏幕没有合理排列,请将Field小部件的对齐方式改为下列的值中的一个。

10.IBM Mashup Center provides a ready-to-use widget for embedding HTML fragments in a mashup page.IBMMashupCenter提供了一个即用型小部件,用于将HTML片段嵌入mashup页面。