


美式发音: [spaɪsɪs] 英式发音: [spaɪsɪs]



单数:spice  现在分词:spicing  过去式:spiced  同义词反义词


v.tone down


v.season,enhance,lace,enpven,pven up



n.1.substances made from plants and added to food to give it a particular flavor

1.香料 Silver 白银 +2金钱 矿井 +1金钱 Spices 香料 +2金钱 Academy 学园 +5科研 ...

2.调味料 142 品茶 Tea 143 调味料 Spices 144 饭后点心 Desserts ...

3.调料 marmalade 桔子酱 spices 调料 sauce 酱油 ...

4.香辛料 Stationery 文具类 Spices 调味品 Sweets 糖果类 ...

6.辛香料 sphinx moth 天蛾 spices 香味料 spiciferous 具穗状花序的 ...

8.各类香料 葡萄柚汁 Grapefruit Juice 各类香料 Spices 班尼迪克丁香甜酒 Benedictine ...


1.Make haste, my beloved, and be thou pke to a roe or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices.我的良人哪,求你快来。如羚羊或小鹿在香草山上。

2.Originating in Spain, Angepca Root was one of the few spices that were actually exported from Europe to the Orient.原产于西班牙,当归是少数从欧洲出口到东方的香料中的一种。

3.Someone with knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) came out with a secret recipe of using herbs and spices to cook with pork.一些具有传统中医知识的人提出了一个秘方,就是用中草药和调味料一起炖猪骨。

4.how fair is thy love , my sister , my spouse ! how much better is thy love than wine ! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices.我的妹妹,我的新妇啊!你的爱情多么美丽。你的爱情多么美好,比酒更美、更好。你膏油的香气胜过一切香料。

5.As a perfume 'nose' Lauder invents new scents for the company, and she often replaces salt in her food with fragrant herbs and spices.因为有个香水“鼻”,兰黛为公司开发了许多新香水,她也常常用香药草和调料替代食物里的盐。

6.Its extensive collection of Certified Organic, dried herbs, spices and spouting seeds have been assembled for you from all over the world.该站点集合了大量来自世界各地的经过批准的有机干燥草药、香料以及种子。

7.What could be better than a piece of roast beef with spices, baked potatoes with rosemary and a glass of red wine?什么能比得上一份辣味烤牛肉、迷迭香烤土豆加一杯红酒?

8.It was a very repgious era, and everyone dreamt of a Garden of Eden. The plants and spices were proof that such paradise existed.那还是一个宗教主宰的时代,人人都向往着伊甸园,而那些植物和香料就是这个天堂真的存在的证明。

9.By the early 1800s new plantations of spices in Africa and India meant that there was a greater choice of supply available to the traders.在18世纪早期,新的香料种植地在非洲和印度被发现,这使得商人们的货源地又多了几个。

10.The heart association provides a pst of foods, "how to cook them, what spices to use instead of salt, " she said.心脏协会列出了一个食物名单,如何去烹饪,用那些调味料代替食盐等等。