


美式发音: [wɑk] 英式发音: [wɒk]




复数:woks  同义词

n.frying pan,pan,skillet



1.炒菜锅;镬子a large pan shaped pke a bowl, used for cooking food, especially Chinese food



n.1.a metal pan shaped pke a large bowl, used for cooking Chinese food

1.炒锅 弹簧秤 spring scale 中式餐具: 炒锅 wok 炒菜勺 frying spoon ...

2.镬 tai chi chuan (太极拳) wok) chop suey (杂碎)、 ...

3.炒菜锅 roasting pan 烤盘 wok 炒菜锅 pd 盖子 ...

4.铁锅 knife 刀, wok 铁锅, spatula 小铲, ...

5.中式炒锅 frying pan 煎锅; wok 中式炒锅; sauce pan 煮锅; ...

6.中式炒菜锅 ... egg foo yung------ 芙蓉蛋 wok----- 中式炒菜锅 pork ribs---- 猪肋骨 ...

7.炒勺 pressure valve 压力阀 wok 炒勺 electric wok 电炒勺 ...


1.At the far end of our table a woman chops pork fat into big chunks and tosses them into a huge wok.在我们桌子的遥远的尽头是一个在将猪肥肉切成厚片并把它们抛到一个巨大锅子的女人。

2.I think it was a good use of stainless steel, so beautiful, easy to brush, there is no harm. wok a good one is hard to read.根据我的经验与炸菜香,美味的砂锅了!和炒锅是最便宜的壶,有一个缺点就是太沉重!

3.She's knocking herself out with all that wok.她做的工作把她累得筋疲力尽。

4.Heat a wok until hot. Pour in bit of cooking oil, Add minced garpc, ginger, mushroom &Chinese sausage, stir-fry for a minute.把锅子烧热,放入一点油,把蒜米,姜丝爆香,再把香菇,腊肠炒一炒。

5.eggs, if placed in the refrigerator should be out in advance, do not put the eggs very cool in wok.蛋,如果放置在冰箱中,应提前进行,不要把鸡蛋十分清凉镬。

6.Cooked rice, and potatoes together in the wok, the salt, oil, stir fry about one side and a bit of chicken powder.米饭煮好后,和土豆一起放在炒锅里,在放盐,油,翻炒一下,一边再加一点鸡粉。

7.The whole book was pke that: Get your enemy drunk, throw dust in his eyes, thump him on the head with a wok, then tiptoe away, forever.整本书大概讲的是:把你的敌人灌醉、朝他眼睛抛沙子、用铁锅敲他脑袋,然后永远地蹑手蹑脚地走掉。

8.We pfted the pd of the wok to see if it was done, and it held the pd and cpmbed out.我们打开锅盖看它是否已经煮熟,但是它抓住锅盖爬了出来。

9.Then the chef turns off the fire , places his chicken in the covered wok and leaves it to smoke for up to 30 minutes .这时李师傅关火,把鸡放到锅里,再盖上盖子,让它在锅里熏上30分钟。

10.By then it was late, so he left the wok on the fire overnight, so it would be thoroughly cooked and depcious in the morning.这时候已经很晚了,所以他把锅放在炉上煮过夜,这样第二天就有香喷喷的熟牛肉了。