



1.Everything in her house is always spick and span.她房间的东西都井井有条、干净整洁。

2.When up the sandy path all spick and span with a brown leather bag came Johnny Town mouse!当带着一个褐色皮包的镇鼠约翰尼从全然干净整齐的沙地小路上走来!

3.The bed HAD been made, fresh towels were in the bathroom and everything was spick and span.床已铺好,新毛巾放在浴室里,样样东西都是干干净净的。

4.Only for the money men and laughter, spick-and-span appearance and charm, heart scarred.只是为男人的金钱而欢笑,外表光鲜亮丽,内心伤痕累累。

5.Keep every inch of your floor spick and span, this includes backstairs and exit doors.保持你楼层每一寸地方都非常干净,包括后楼梯和安全通道。

6.A lovely couple presides over this spick-and-span operation.一对可爱的夫妻操持着这一崭新的设施。

7.The streets are tidy and the houses spick and span , but over half are unoccupied .街道干净,房屋整齐,但一半以上无人居住。

8.Though simply furnished, the rooms were spick-and-span.房间的陈设虽然简单,但是非常整洁。

9.Yeah. I promise that I'll keep it spick and span.嗯,我保证每天都要把这儿收拾得一尘不染。

10.They always keep their kitchen spick and span.他们的厨房总是很整洁。