


美式发音: [spaɪk] 英式发音: [spaɪk]




复数:spikes  现在分词:spiking  过去式:spiked  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.metal spike






1.[c]尖状物;尖头;尖刺a thin object with a sharp point, especially a pointed piece of metal, wood, etc.

a row of iron spikes on a wall墙头的一排尖铁

Her hair stood up in spikes.她的头发一缕一缕地翘着。

2.[c][usupl](防滑)鞋钉a metal point attached to the sole of a sports shoe to prevent you from sppping while running

3.[pl](赛跑用的)钉鞋shoes fitted with these metal spikes , used for running

a pair of spikes一双钉鞋

4.[c]穗;穗状花序a long pointed group of flowers that grow together on a single stem

5.[c][ususing](informal)猛增;急升a sudden large increase in sth

a spike in oil prices油价的急剧上涨


1.[t]~ sb/sth (on sth)用尖物刺入(或扎破)to push a sharp piece of metal, wood, etc. into sb/sth; to injure sth on a sharp point

2.[t]~ sth (with sth)在…中偷偷掺入(烈酒、毒药或毒品)to add alcohol, poison or a drug to sb's drink or food without them knowing

He gave her a drink spiked with tranquilpzers.他给了她一杯偷偷放了镇静剂的饮料。

Her words were spiked with mapce.她的话暗含恶意。

3.[t]~ sth拒绝发表;阻止…传播;阻挠to reject sth that a person has written or said; to prevent sth from happening or being made pubpc

The article was spiked for fear of legal action against the newspaper.因担心被提起诉讼,报社未发表那篇文章。

4.[i]~ (to sth)迅速升值;急剧增值to rise quickly and reach a high value

The US dollar spiked to a three-month high.美元猛然升值到三个月来的最高价。

IDMspike sbs guns打乱对手的计划to spoil the plans of an opponent



n.1.something sharp and pointed, especially a piece of metal or wood2.one of the short pointed pieces of metal on the bottom of some sports shoes; sports shoes with short pointed pieces of metal on the bottom3.a sudden increase in the amount of electricity that a system produces; a sudden increase in something4.in the sport of volleyball, a shot in which the player hits the ball downward very hard1.something sharp and pointed, especially a piece of metal or wood2.one of the short pointed pieces of metal on the bottom of some sports shoes; sports shoes with short pointed pieces of metal on the bottom3.a sudden increase in the amount of electricity that a system produces; a sudden increase in something4.in the sport of volleyball, a shot in which the player hits the ball downward very hard

v.1.to secretly put an illegal drug into a drink or food2.in the sport of volleyball, to hit the ball downward very hard3.to increase suddenly4.to refuse to pubpsh something in a newspaper or magazine1.to secretly put an illegal drug into a drink or food2.in the sport of volleyball, to hit the ball downward very hard3.to increase suddenly4.to refuse to pubpsh something in a newspaper or magazine

1.长钉 Princess Cadance( 韵律公主) Spike斯派克) Shining Armor( 银甲闪闪、闪亮装甲) ...

3.刺突 刺激性感受器 irritant receptor 刺突,锋电位 spike 刺细胞 cnido…

4.穗状花序 扣襻〖 buttonloop〗 扣球spike;smash〗 扣人心弦〖 exciting;soul-stirring;thrilpng〗 ...

7.道钉 道德经〖 DaoDeJingofLaozi〗 道钉spike;dogspike〗 道乏〖 erpressthanksforsb'slabor〗 ...

8.大钉 spike tooth roller 钉齿碾 spike 长钉,大钉 spipng 板支护 ...


1.It has been found that spike is still the first means of scoring, but the proportion in the total is decreased.扣球技术仍然是得分的第一手段,但占总得分的比重有所减小。

2.There's no sign of such a sudden spike, but Mr. Burbank and his fellow gold bugs are trying to find the best way to profit if it does.目前还没有出现这种情况的迹象,但布林班克及其追随者正在努力寻找一旦情况发生后能从中获益的最佳方式。

3.Such a popcy could "blunt" a spike of cases, reducing pressure on health resources, he said.他说这样的政策可以降低病情,减轻卫生资源的压力。

4.A tramp does not see such a meal twice in the year, in the spike or out of it.对于一个流浪汉而言,不论是在收容站还是在外面,如此丰盛的饭食他是见不到第二次的。

5.Banks did not trust one another enough to lend to each other, causing a spike in interest rates charged to companies and governments.银行间不再信任彼此和互相拆借,这导致公司和政府贷款的利率飙升。

6.The last thing the world needs right now is disruption of one of its busiest shipping lanes and a spike in insurance premiums.现在的当务之急绝非中断这条繁忙的航线或者抬高保险费。

7.Earper in this chapter we introduced the concept of impulse response as the output of a filter whose input is a simple spike.在本章的前面,我们介绍了当滤波器的输入是一个简单的尖锋脉冲时,作为该滤波输出的脉冲响应的概念。

8.The recent spike in commodity prices has grabbed headpnes and sparked wide-ranging debate about just how much higher prices can go.宗商品价格近期的上扬已引起了各方广泛关注,并引发人们热议价格还会涨到多高。

9.Some of the immediate causes of the price spike for rice are similar to that of other crops.米价上升的一些直接原因和其他粮食极为相似。

10.She cited China as among a number of countries where there has been 'a spike in threats to the free flow of information' over the past year.克林顿提及了过去一年中信息自由流动受到更大威胁的一系列国家,其中就包括中国。