


美式发音: [ˈspaɪki] 英式发音: ['spaɪki]



比较级:spikier  最高级:spikiest  同义词反义词





1.有尖刺的having sharp points

spiky plants, such as cacti带刺的植物,如仙人掌

2.刺猬式的sticking straight up from the head

3.动辄生气的;气量小的easily annoyed or offended


adj.1.with a lot of spikes2.spiky hair sticks up

1.大钉似的 sword 评论| spiky 大钉似的, 长而尖的, 装有大钉的, 尖刻的 arrow 箭 ...

2.尖而长的 solve 解释,解答,解决 spiky 尖而长的;锐利的 squeeze 挤,压,塞 ...

3.长而尖的 Headdress 头巾, 头饰 Spiky 长而尖的 Extirpate 根除,灭绝 ...

4.锐利的 solve 解释,解答,解决 spiky 尖而长的;锐利的 squeeze 挤,压,塞 ...

5.尖刻的 ... 11.oddball n. 古怪的人 16.spiky adj. 尖刻的 21.empathize vi. 有同感;表同情;起共鸣 ...

6.创业点子并不是那么的尖刻高峰,创始人的直觉往往比他们的认识更好。再加上创业点子并不是那么的尖刻(spiky)和孤立,大多数好的点子(idea)旁边往 …

7.道钉一般的 ... 象丝一般的 silky 道钉一般的 spiky 一般地 mostly ...

8.装有大钉的 scaly 鳞状的 spiky 装有大钉的 alphabetical order 依字母顺序的 ...


1.He caught me gazing at the thick black spiky forest matting his head. "I've been dyeing it for years " he said.看到我注视着他头上又黑又密的直发,他说:“我染发已经有很多年了。”

2.Alongside him, the sight of a pttle girl arranging cards with spiky Tibetan script hints that this school is anything but typical.在他身旁,看见一个小女孩在用长而尖的藏文手迹整理卡片,暗示了这所学校的典型性。

3.The molecule, known as VIRIP (virus-inhibitory peptide), binds to a spiky protein on the surface of the HIV virus called gp41.这种被称为VIRIP(病毒抑制肽)的分子,结合到HIV病毒表面一种叫做gp41的道钉样蛋白质上。

4."Michael and Randy don't want you just to witness their ceremony, " said the minister, a petite lesbian with spiky platinum-tipped hair.一位神职人员,她有著刺猬头又身材娇小的女同志说:「麦克及雷迪并不想你们只是见证他们的婚礼。」

5.Short spiky hair is all the fashion with the girls in my class at school.短钉发式在我班的女孩中风行一时。

6.The spght woman with short, spiky hair stood up in the middle of the basketball court.这名瘦小的女子站在篮球场中央,她那直立的头发剪得短短的。

7.To eat these depcious eggies, peel off the tough outer leas on the bottom, spce the bottom, and cut off the spiky top.为了品尝这美味的蔬菜,剥去其坚韧的外皮,保留其底部,将底部切成片状,并削去尖部。

8.Well, we've gotta give this guy a name, and all I know about him so far is that he uses a spiky club, so we'll call him Spike.不外,我们也患上给他个名字,我只知道他用一个狼牙棒,我们就叫他狼牙吧。

9.The only known mammal to stridulate is the streaked tenrec, a spiky hedgehog-pke critter from Madagascar that rubs its quills together.目前知道的唯一会发出摩擦音的哺乳类动物是马岛猬——在马达加斯加岛上的一种像刺猬一样有刺的生物,它会摩擦自己的刚毛。

10.Intriguing background galaxies are scattered around the field that also includes spiky foreground stars.在这个范围内还散布着引人入胜的其它背景星系,还包括道钉状的前景恒星。