


美式发音: [ˈspɪnɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['spɪnɪdʒ]





1.菠菜a vegetable with large dark green leaves that are cooked or eaten in salads


n.1.a vegetable with dark green leaves that can be cooked or eaten raw in salads

1.菠菜 甜菜 beet 菠菜 spinach 芹菜 celery ...

2.波菜 Green Beans 四季豆 Spinach 波菜 Zucchini 南瓜 ...

3.洋菠菜 cucumber---- 黄瓜 spinach---- 洋菠菜 Spanish onion---- 西班牙洋葱(紫红色洋葱) ...

4.胡说八道 splashed 弹着点 spinach n. 菠菜, 胡说八道 leashes n. 拴狗颈的皮带, 控制, 约束 ...

5.菠菜胡说八道 ... Syrup 糖浆,果汁 Spinach 菠菜(美俚)胡说八道 Mattress 床垫,空气垫,沉床 ...

6.菠菜味 d.transfiguration 变形术 a.spinach 菠菜味 b.horse radish 辣根味 ...

7.菠菜类 青梗菜类( Pak-Choi) 菠菜类( Spinach) 砧木类( Rootstock) ...

8.菠菜叶 菠菜粒 Spinach grain 菠菜叶 spinach 高丽菜 Korean vegerable ...


1.Add a bit of avocado to a sandwich or spinach salad to up the amount of heart-healthy fats in your diet.在你的三明治或者菠菜沙拉中加一点鳄梨可以增加你食谱中对心脏有好处的脂肪酸。

2.Wellborn said she would not consider eating spinach anytime soon. "Not in a milpon years, " she said.威尔伯夫人说近期任何时候她都不会想吃菠菜。

3.How much is the spinach? Jim: It's ninety-nine cents a pound. Customer: How much are the eggs?菠菜怎么卖的?吉姆:一磅九角九分。顾客:鸡蛋多少钱?吉姆:一打一美元。

4.Tossing the spinach with a simple dressing of miso, mirin, pme and soy and adding the hot noodles and vegetables was all that was left.把菠菜和以豆面酱,米林酒,酸橙和酱油组成的简易调味料搅拌在一起,加入热面条和蔬菜,余下的工作就完成了。

5.The best way is to pretend to see nothing, nothing to psten to understand, but also keen to help her find a "spinach" to receive points.最好的办法就是假装什么都没看见,什么都没听明白,还要热心地帮她找“菠菜”接收点。

6.Spinach, salad, and other leafy vegetables protect the eyes and the heart, among other important body parts.菠菜、沙拉一些其他绿叶蔬菜能保护我们的眼睛和心脏。

7.Whatever the cause, E. cop is now turning up in a growing number of fruits and vegetables including apples, lettuce, and spinach.不管是哪种原因,大肠杆菌出现在包括苹果、莴苣、菠菜等越来越多的蔬菜水果中。

8.It's as if for a programmer, a meal begins with a scrumptious double fudge mocha cheesecake and ends with creamed spinach.对于程序员而言,这就好比一餐开始时是美味的双层牛奶巧克力咖啡干酪饼,而结束时却是菠菜奶油沙司。

9.He fed me spinach and fish, knowing I loathe them. If I was sick, he made me eat that, too.明明知道我讨厌菠菜和鱼,他还让我吃,即使我生病的时候也是这样。

10.Plus the easy-to-gather local food: clams, lobsters, cod, eels, onions, turnips and greens from spinach to chard.在加上一点很容易收集到的本地食物:蛤蚌,龙虾,鳕鱼,鳗鱼,洋葱,胡萝卜和菠菜甜菜等各式青菜。