


美式发音: [ˈspaɪni] 英式发音: ['spaɪni]



比较级:spinier  最高级:spiniest  同义词反义词




spinyadj.— see alsospine

1.有刺毛的;带刺的;多刺的having sharp points like needles


adj.1.covered with sharp points

1.多刺的 spine n 刺;勇气;脊椎 spiny a 多刺的;困难重重的 splendid a 辉煌的,灿烂的 ...

2.困难重重的 spine n 刺;勇气;脊椎 spiny a 多刺的;困难重重的 splendid a 辉煌的,灿烂的 ...

3.具刺的 spinell 尖晶石 spiny 具刺的 spiral growth 螺旋生长 ...

4.针状的 ignominy 羞耻,屈辱 spiny 针状的,多刺的 satiny 光滑的,柔细的 ...

5.刺状的 spinule 小刺 spiny 刺状的;刺多的;瘦的 spiny-rayed fishes 棘鳍鱼头 ...

6.多刺的,棘手的 n.臭气,恶臭( stink) SPINY a.针状的;多刺的,棘手的 SPLEEN N.怒气 怨恨 ...

7.多剌的 ... spin n. 1. 旋转,自转 spiny a. 多剌的,剌状的 horizontal a. 地平的,水平的 ...

8.具剌的 spinous process 神经突 spiny 具剌的 spiracle 呼吸孔 ...


1.This Giant Pink Spiny lobster looks set to live out his retirement in an aquarium - and perhaps score a place in the record books.这只巨型龙虾很可能要在水族馆度过它的下半生,而且很有可能问鼎“英国之最”。

2.Any of various thistles of the genus Centaurea, having variously colored flowers grouped in a heAD with a spiny involucre.黑矢车菊一种属于矢车菊属的蓟属植物,其花有多种颜色,聚集在有刺状花被的头状花序里。

3.any of various food and sport fishes of the United States Atlantic coast having an elongated body and long spiny dorsal fin .生活在美国大西洋沿岸、身体细长且长有长长背鳍的多种食用和猎用鱼。

4.insectivorous lizard with horn like spines on the head and spiny scales on the body; of western North America.食虫蜥蜴,头上有角状的刺,身上有刺状的鳞;产于北美西部。

5."China has recognised value in Australian lobster more than anyone. They call it the spiny dragon and they will pay a lot for it, " he said.“中国比其他任何国家都更意识到澳洲龙虾的价值。他们称之为澳龙,他们愿意支付高价,”他表示。

6.Any of various large tropical American lizards of the family Iguanidae , often having spiny projections along the back .鬣鳞蜥鬣鳞蜥科中的任意一种大型美国蜥蜴,背部往往有带刺状的突起。

7.There is already a precedent for this in nature, in the form of a Japanese spiny rat which has survived the loss of its Y chromosome.在自然界,这种新型染色体已有先例。在一种日本田鼠身上,即使没有了Y染色体,它们仍然能够繁衍生存。

8.Any of numerous trees or shrubs of the genus Ilex, usually having Bright red berries and glossy, evergreen leaves with spiny margins.冬青属植物多种冬青,属树木或灌木,通常长有亮红色浆果和常绿有光泽且带刺状边缘的叶子

9.In a prey's-eye view, an adult female snaps up a stickleback, a small spiny fish, from just beneath the water's surface.这是从被捕食者的角度来观察,一只成年雌鸟抓住了一条棘鱼,这是一种多刺的小鱼。

10.any of several herbs of the genus Dipsacus native to the Old World having flower heads surrounded by spiny bracts.川续断属的草本植物,原产于旧大陆,头状花序围绕者有刺的苞片。