



美式发音: [seɪn] 英式发音: [seɪn]



比较级:saner  最高级:sanest  搭配反义词

Adj.+n.sane person




adj.1.someone who is sane is able to think and speak in a reasonable way and to behave normally2.a sane action or decision is a sensible one that people can understand

1.陈珊珊 li88888888 李建华 saner 陈珊珊 Ln 林娜 ...

2.游骑兵 Cat 浩瀚星空总会 SanEr 游骑兵 Top 顶尖王朝 ...

3.星如雨星如雨(saner) [角落] [飞语] 发表于:02-11-19 23:01 [第1版11-19 23:01] [只看该作者] 第8楼 henglau [角落] [飞语] 发表于:02-1…


1.The saner American left is at last waking up to the fact that Hillary was never the radical firebrand of conservative caricature.更明智的左派人士终究会意识到:希拉里从来就不是保守派漫画中激进的煽风点火人士。

2.The legislators claim to stop this suicidal course and to give it a saner direction.那些立法者声称将阻止这种自杀的过程并给与它一种理智的引导。

3.The saner American leftist last waking up to the fact that Hillary was never the radical firebrand of conservative caricature.稍理智些的左派人士最终会意识到希拉里绝不是保守派漫画中那些唯恐天下不乱的角色。

4.Our civilisation will not survive in anything like its present form, but we can at least aim for a managed retreat to a saner world.我们的文明将无法以任何一种目前的形式维系,不过我们至少能有目标地稳步后撤,回到一个更理智的世界。

5.But I was off the rails. Then I met my wife. And then I got married and became a dad again. And it was all saner, happier, better.但那一切除了荒唐还是荒唐。然后我遇见了我现在的妻子。我结婚,又做了父亲。这下一切都变得更正常、快乐,也更美好。

6.The depressive leader saw the events of his day with a clarity and realism lacking in saner, more stable men.这位抑郁的领袖以精神稳定的人们所没有的眼光,清晰地洞悉了他那个年代里的政治事件。

7.Purpose-driven living leads to a simpler lifestyle and a saner schedule.目的导向的人生会导致更简单的生活形态以及更简明的行程表。

8.On this International Day Against Nuclear Tests, I call on all States to take a bold step towards a safer and saner world for all.值此禁止核试验国际日,我呼吁所有国家迈出大胆的一步,为全人类建设一个更安全、更理智的世界。

9.They sit aside from the revolution of the seasons. Their strain is unvaried as Truth. Only in their saner moments do men hear the crickets.它们处于季节转变之外。它们的歌儿像真理那样地永垂不朽。人类只有在精神比较健全的时候,才能听见蟋蟀的鸣声。

10.Oil prices are in retreat, and it could be the start of a return to saner energy prices.油价目前呈现出回落之势,这可能是向更理智能源价格回归的一个开始。