


美式发音: [ˈspaɪr] 英式发音: [ˈspaɪə(r)]




复数:spires  同义词反义词





1.(教堂等顶部的)尖塔,尖顶a tall pointed structure on the top of a building, especially a church



n.1.the pointed top of a church tower or other building

1.尖塔 shriek( 尖叫声,尖声叫); spire( 尖顶,塔尖,尖塔); filament( 细 …

2.尖顶 ornate a. 装饰华丽的,绚丽的 spire n. 尖顶 cathedral n. 大教堂 ...

3.塔尖 shriek( 尖叫声,尖声叫); spire( 尖顶,塔尖,尖塔); filament( 细 …

4.螺旋 BRANCH / 枝 SPIRE / 螺旋 SONG / 歌 ...

5.螺旋部 反射 Reflection 螺旋塔 Spire 刺刀基地 Sword Base ...

7.螺线 spinal a. 脊椎的 spire n. 螺旋;螺线;塔尖;锥形体 v.螺旋 spiritual a. 精神(上)的,心灵的 ...

8.塔尖顶 Spire: Steeply pointed termination to a tower or roof. 塔尖顶:塔或屋顶上尖锐陡峭的顶部。 bell tower n. 钟塔,钟楼 ...


1.He walked out on the pubpc street, but there was no church with its spire pointing to Heaven.他走到大街,也看不到指向天国的教堂尖阁。

2.There was one clear shining star that used to come out in the sky before the rest, near the church spire, above the graves.有一颗明净闪亮的星星常常出现在夜空,比其它星星都早,紧挨着教堂的塔尖,就在墓地上方。

3.Awesome design. It looks pke Burj al Alam if it had a spire .很棒的设计,它就像爱尔爱兰塔上加上了尖顶。

4.A crowning spire was a key feature of the design from the beginning, including a topmast and a ring of spikes.从一开始,最高的尖顶就是设计的关键特点,其中还包括了一座中桅和一圈小尖顶。

5.At the end of the last century, marvelous spire was added, which makes it soar up slenderly into the german skies.上世纪末期,它又被加上了完美的塔尖,俏丽地矗立在德国的天空。

6.This was called the General's Chair, just as this apartment atop the flagship's conning spire was called the General's Quarters.那张椅子背称作将军椅,而这间位于旗舰塔尖的寝室则被称为将军室。

7.In Gothic architecture, the spire is a spectacular visual culmination of the building As well as a symbol of heavenly aspiration.哥德式建筑中,塔尖顶在建筑形像上达到一种壮观的视觉高潮,同时象征着对天国的渴望。

8.You may be one of those guys who thinks there's nothing cooler than a superhero brooding on a rooftop or cathedral spire.也许你跟别的有些人一样觉得某个超级英雄盘踞在楼顶或者大教堂的尖顶上沉思的场面最酷不过了。

9.The central spire and the two towers were to him as three great cages, whose birds, reared by himself, sang for him alone.十字窗上的那个钟楼和那两座钟塔,对于他就象是三只大鸟笼,笼中的鸟儿被他唤醒,单单为了他而歌唱。

10.The only crop-production machine programmer in this world was found hang himself on the spire of the "Liberty Tower" .是一小时前发生的…全球唯一的粮食系统程式设计师被发现在自由之塔的塔尖上吊颈自杀。