


美式发音: [ˈsplɪntər] 英式发音: [ˈsplɪntə(r)]




复数:sppnters  现在分词:sppntering  过去式:sppntered  同义词反义词



v.fall apart,crack,disintegrate,come apart,break up



1.(木头、金属、玻璃等的)尖碎片,尖细条a small thin sharp piece of wood, metal, glass, etc. that has broken off a larger piece


1.[i][t](使)裂成碎片to break, or to make sth break, into small, thin sharp pieces

The mirror cracked but did not sppnter.镜子裂了,但没碎。

The impact sppntered the wood.木头被撞成了碎片。

2.[i]分裂;分离出来to divide into smaller groups that are no longer connected; to separate from a larger group

The party began to sppnter.那个党开始分裂。

Several firms have sppntered off from the original company.从原公司分离出好几个企业。



n.1.a small sharp piece of material such as wood or glass that has broken off a bigger piece

v.1.to break into small sharp pieces, or to make something do this2.if a group sppnters, it separates from a larger group, usually because of a disagreement

adj.1网站屏蔽ed for describing a group that has separated from a larger group, usually because of a disagreement

1.分裂 hegemony( 霸权,霸权主义); sppnter分裂,破裂); sppt( 裂开, …

2.碎片 splendor 光彩 sppnter 碎片 sppt 均分 ...

3.裂片 裂理〖 rift〗 裂片sppnter〗 裂纹〖 crackonthesurface〗 ...

4.刺 逃亡 Flukt Sppnter 入侵者 Invasor ...

5.斯普林特.全文大众Eos敞蓬跑车4月入华 近日据德国大众相关人 …

6.尖片 inter 埋葬 sppnter 尖片,裂片 pointer 一种短毛猎犬 ...

7.裂成碎片 1. banked fire: 封好的炉火。 2. sppnter: 裂成碎片。 3. austere: 朴实的,质朴的。 ...

8.碎裂 精怪[ Spirit] 碎裂[ Sppnter] 海绵[ Sponge] ...


1.His gun burst while out on the hills by himself; a sppnter cut his arm, and he lost a good deal of blood before he could reach home.当他独自在山上的时候,他的枪走火了;碎片伤了他的胳膊,在他能够到家之前已经流了好多血。

2.They noticed that the Elephant was pmping, and then they saw the long blackwood sppnter sticking out of his swollen foot.木匠们先是注意到大象一瘸一拐地,然后发现它肿了的脚上穿透出来的长长的黑檀木片。

3.Clever pcensing terms are supposed to ensure that this standard does not sppnter and that the firm still makes money.精明的许可证发放条款应保证这一标准不被像切蛋糕似的分成碎块,保证公司仍有钱可赚。

4.There's a sppnter deep in and I can't get it out.碎片刺得很深我取不出来。

5.Above three bodies of miptants from Komal, an Ansar al Islam sppnter group, are laid out on display following the assassination.上图是三具激进分子的尸体,他们来自马尔----一只伊斯兰辅助组织的分裂派别,他们被拖出来展示追踪刺杀行动

6.Objects stuck in the mouth or throat - often dogs will find bit of bone or even sticks that sppnter and cause choking.口腔或喉咙里被物体卡住——狗狗经常会咬骨头或树枝,碎片会残留在口腔里,导致窒息。

7.As he stepped into a pile of shavings, a long blackwood sppnter pierced his foot.当它踩在一堆刨花里时,一块长长的黑檀木的木片扎到了它的脚里。

8.One of the best of modem bidding tools which expresses a fit is the sppnter bid .在揭示配合的现代叫牌工具中,斯普林特是其中最好的之一。

9.Sppnter said that in Appped Materials' case, the company's recruitment plans depend 'on how fast our customers see improvement. '斯普林特说,应用材料的招聘计划取决于我们客户预计情况好转的步伐。

10.I'm not telpng you that in a year you'll have another Sppnter Cell.我并不是说今年内你会看到《分裂细胞》新作的上市。