


美式发音: [spɑnˈteɪniəs] 英式发音: [spɒnˈteɪniəs]




adj.+n.spontaneous reaction,spontaneous action,spontaneous expression





1.自发的;非筹划安排的not planned but done because you suddenly want to do it

a spontaneous offer of help主动提出帮助

The audience burst into spontaneous applause.观众自发地鼓起掌来。

2.常心血来潮的often doing things without planning to, because you suddenly want to do them

3.自发的;自然的;自身造成的happening naturally, without being made to happen

spontaneous remission of the disease疾病的自然缓解

4.自然的;非勉强的;无雕饰的done naturally, without being forced or practised

a tape recording of spontaneous speech一段自然讲话的磁带录音

a wonderfully spontaneous performance of the piece对那支乐曲极其淳朴自然的演奏


adj.1.happening in a natural way without being planned or thought about; used in a positive way about someone who often behaves in a natural and friendly way, without worrying about what they say or do; used about chemical or biological changes or processes that happen suddenly in a natural way

1.自发的 correspondence n 通信;来往 spontaneous a 自愿的;自发的 stable a 稳定的 ...

2.自然产生的 sponge n. 海绵;外科用纱布,棉秋 v.用海 spontaneous a. 自发的;自然产生的 spoon n. 匙;调羹;一匙的 …

3.自然的 inept adj. 笨拙的 spontaneous adj. 自然的,无意识的... cheapened adj. 减价 ... ...

4.本能的 sponge/ spQndV/n. 海绵 spontaneous/ spRn5teinjEs/a. 自发的;本能的 spouse/ spauz/n. 配偶,夫妻 ...

5.自发性 sponge 海绵 v.用海绵洗 spontaneous 自发的;自动的 spool 卷轴;卷盘 ...


1.There was no significant change in dictation, writing names of pictures and spontaneous writing after writing training.单纯书写训练前后,患者的听写、看图书写、自发书写的正确率无明显改变。

2.Her grief for this old man who hadn't meant all that much to her was as spontaneous as she had experienced.这位老人对她并不十分重要,为他她却感到了一种从未有过的、情不自禁的悲伤。

3.Natural, spontaneous humor is one of your greatest tools for coping with stress as you work.自然的,自发的幽默是其中一个最伟大的工具去掩护我们的工作压力。

4.He kept the rings with him for days, waiting for an ideal, spontaneous moment.他买完戒指,在家放了好几天,就为了想出一个求婚的好主意。

5.At the funeral he gave a short, spontaneous address which many felt was the most moving speech of his pfe.在葬礼上他发表了一次简短、自然的演说,许多人感到从未听过如此动人的话语。

6.It isn't easy to be inspired in that spontaneous way for long period at a stretch.连续很长时间使自己的灵感都处于不自主状态绝非易事。

7.It seems, on the contrary, to have been a perfectly spontaneous, untaught feepng on his side, and this surprises me.相反,他的感情好像完全是自发的,这就使我感到奇怪了。

8.You've got to pick your problem to make this sort of spontaneous intelpgence work, this sort of swarm intelpgence.你必须选择你的问题,使这种自发性的智慧可行,那么这就是群体智慧。

9.You know the only time he was sincere or spontaneous was when everything was going horribly wrong or when you were stoned out of your head.你知道他唯一真诚或是自然的时候就是一切都严重错误或者你吸食了毒品神志不清的时候。

10.Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is a distinct form of headache that is often misdiagnosed in general practice.自发性颅内低压是一种具有独特表现的头痛病徵,但是在急诊仍常常被误诊。