


美式发音: [ʌnˈstʌk] 英式发音: [ʌn'stʌk]






The flap of the envelope had come unstuck.信封的封口没粘牢,张开了。

come unstuck未粘住;脱离;松开to become separated from sth it was stuck or fastened to

The flap of the envelope had come unstuck.信封的封口没粘牢,张开了。

(informal)彻底失败;一败涂地to fail completely, with bad results



v.1.The past tense and past participle of unstick

1.未粘住的 unstructured 未组织的 unstuck 未粘住的 unstudied 非娇揉造作 ...

2.松开的 ... tenacious1. 紧握的;抓住不放的 unstuck1. 松开的,未粘住的 cohere1. 附着, …

3.紊乱的 ·unstable component【 自】 - 非稳定分量 ·unstuck【 科技】 - 紊乱的 ·unstressing【 力】 - 无应力 ...

4.卡号自救 查询目标AI:/ /ai info|event|state 卡号自救:/ /unstuck 查看在线人数及ID :/ /who ...

5.跳出被地形卡住命令 ... 禁止恶意帮助技能: - disablehelp 跳出被地形卡住命令: - unstuck 。 显示反补叹号: - sho…


1.Lionel drives far too fast and one of these days he's going to really come unstuck.莱昂内尔车实在开得太快了,总有一天他真会出事的。

2.a man with a mule got my car unstuck; the gears locked in second and would not come unstuck.一个赶着一头骡子的人把我的车从泥坑中拖了出来;齿轮卡在第二档上,再也动不了了。

3.But the strategy came unstuck at Copenhagen and there is now no prospect of a binding worldwide system any time soon.但这个策略在哥本哈根未能实现,目前看来,具有约束力的全球机制短期内根本没有实现的可能。

4.But it was also in agriculture that the agreement came unstuck.但农业领域的协议也最难达成。

5.The third W, waiting, means getting on with your job and keeping your head down while waiting for the boss to come unstuck .第三个“W”是等待,意思是继续做你的工作,并埋头等待老板完蛋。

6.In the wrinkles of, a composite layer separation, there is no unstuck.在皱纹的凹下局部,不单一层别离,操纵粘牢。

7."Dreams can provide inspiration or help you get unstuck from problems because your mind is working on things in this different way, " Dr.梦可激发灵感或帮你摆脱问题,因为你的心智在以这种不同的方式工作。

8.What happens when the toughest super glue gets on your skin ? These tips will get you unstuck in no time .当超效强力胶粘到你皮肤上是该怎么办?别担心,以下方法让你及时赶走困惑。

9.the place of sulfuric acid paper, which will require placed at PS, unstuck with transparent tape.不兵已不拆好的硫酸纸按请求胪列在PS版上,用透明胶带粘牢。

10.Lego has come unstuck before, when it branched out into theme parks, girls' toys, clothes, watches and other unfamipar businesses.乐高公司之前将业务扩展到主题公园、女孩儿玩具、衣服、手表和其他不熟悉的领域时碰到很多困难。