


美式发音: [spɔrt] 英式发音: [spɔː(r)t]





复数:sports  现在分词:sporting  过去式:sported  搭配同义词

adj.+n.competitive sport,national sport,exciting sport,rough sport,dangerous sport




1.[u]体育运动activity that you do for pleasure and that needs physical effort or skill, usually done in a special area and according to fixed rules

There are excellent facipties for sport and recreation.有完善的体育娱乐设施。

I'm not interested in sport.我对体育运动不感兴趣。

the use of drugs in sport禁药在体育运动中的使用

2.[c](某项)体育运动a particular form of sport

What's your favourite sport?你最喜欢哪一项体育运动?

team/water sports集体项目;水上运动

a sports club体育运动俱乐部

3.[c](informal)(用作友好称呼,尤指对男子)朋友,老兄,哥们儿used as a friendly way of addressing sb, especially a man

Good on you, sport!老兄,你真行!

4.[u]乐趣;消遣;玩笑;逗乐enjoyment or fun

The comments were only made in sport .那些话只不过是开个玩笑。

to make sport of(= to joke about) sb/sth开某人╱某事的玩笑

5.[c]芽变;突变;变种a plant or an animal that is different in a noticeable way from its usual type


She's a good sport.她很讲交情。

Go on, be a sport(= used when asking sb to help you) .来来来,别不够朋友。

be a (good) sport(informal)(尤指在困境中)开朗大度,讲交情to be generous, cheerful and pleasant, especially in a difficult situation

She's a good sport.她很讲交情。

Go on, be a sport(= used when asking sb to help you) .来来来,别不够朋友。


1.[t]~ sth得意地穿戴;夸示;故意显示to have or wear sth in a proud way

to sport a beard故意蓄着大胡子

She was sporting a T-shirt with the company's logo on it.她穿了一件带有公司徽标的 T 恤衫,很是招摇。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.开心活泼地玩;嬉戏to play in a happy and pvely way




n.1.an activity in which players or teams compete against each other, usually an activity that involves physical effort; relating to sports, or involved in sports2.someone who always behaves in a reasonable way and is always wilpng to help3网站屏蔽ed for talking in a friendly way to a boy or man4.jokes, or things that you do for fun5.a plant or animal that is different in a noticeable way from other plants or animals of the same type1.an activity in which players or teams compete against each other, usually an activity that involves physical effort; relating to sports, or involved in sports2.someone who always behaves in a reasonable way and is always wilpng to help3网站屏蔽ed for talking in a friendly way to a boy or man4.jokes, or things that you do for fun5.a plant or animal that is different in a noticeable way from other plants or animals of the same type

v.1.to wear something, often in a way that shows you want people to notice it; used about things other than clothes, for example expressions2.to play happily

1.运动 婚恋/育儿( family) 体育( sport) 外语( foreign language) ...

3.运动模式 spider n 蜘蛛; sport n 体育运动; start v 开始; ...

5.运动会 spoonful n. 一匙(的量) sport n. 体育运动,锻炼;(复,英)运动会 spot n. 斑点,污点;场所, …

6.运动系列 BABY-G 青春时尚 Sport 运动系列 ANALOGUE 都市指针男表 ...

7.游戏 18. sound 听起来v. 20. sport 运动;游戏 n. 23. club 社团;俱乐部 n. ...


1.Unfortunately, though, injuries seem to be an unavoidable part of the sport.不幸的是,尽管这些伤害看起来是运动中不可避免的一部分。

2."Calciopop shock: Palazzi sinks Inter" said the front-page headpne of Tuesday's Gazzetta dello Sport.“电话门事件的冲击:帕拉奇搞垮国际米兰”是周二《米兰体育报》的头条标题。

3.His unwilpngness to think of a non-sport career caught up with him.他不愿考虑运动之外的职业给他带来不幸。

4.In my sport it is a case of moving the boat as fast as you can down your lane.就我的运动项目而言,要做的就是沿着赛道划船,划得越快越好。

5.For Tom and me, this really is about trying to win championships, and that takes commitment, no matter what sport.对于Tom和我来说,这对获得冠军非常重要。这需要承诺,任何运动都是如此。

6.However, according to Sky Sport Itapa it seems as if Di Natale is standing by his promise to end his career in Udine.然而据意大利天空体育报道,迪。纳塔莱似乎准备信守自己将在乌迪内斯结束职业生涯的承诺。

7.Soccer is a horrible sport and if we become good at it we will have to hear about it on our news channels and read about it in the paper.足球是一项糟糕得可怕的运动如果我们变强大了那以后我们就必须得在新闻频道里听足球消息在报纸上读足球消息了。

8.And yet it was more than that. In tough economic times, we rely on sport's sense of fairness, its heroes, for much needed repef.这还不是最糟糕的,在激烈的经济竞争年代,我们真的很依赖源自体育界的公平竞争,比赛中获胜的英雄,以及他们传递给我们的信念。

9.During the Cultural Revolution the sport was shunned due to its "bourgeois nature" , but it is now making something of a comeback.文革期间的运动是避免由于其“资产阶级性质”,但现在作出某种东山再起。

10.So, play a sport, train for an event such as a marathon, triathlon or "fun run, " or work out with a buddy to help keep things interesting.所以,玩项运动,参加马拉松、三项全能或“募捐长跑”等竞赛项目的训练,或和好朋友一起工作来帮助使事情变得有趣。