


美式发音: [ˈspɑtər] 英式发音: [ˈspɒtə(r)]






1.探子(爱好或专门搜寻物品或人才)a person who looks for a particular type of thing or person, as a hobby or job

a talent spotter(= sb who visits clubs and theatres looking for new performers)星探

2.侦察机a plane used for finding out what an enemy is doing


n.1.someone whose job is to watch someone doing a sports activity such as weight training or gymnastics in order to help them, and to make sure that they do not get injured2.someone who enjoys watching things of a particular type, especially trains or planes

1.观测手 Sporter【 运动型】 Spotter观测手】 Square butt【 方形握把】 ...

2.观测员 saggy adj. 松懈的, 下垂的 spotter n. 私人侦探, 着弹点观察员 lycra 合成弹力纤维 ...

6.侦察员 Sporting Clay 运动飞靶 Spotter 观测弹 Spotter 观测手 ...


1.The spotter then ran to Clovelly Corner to try to get the swimmer out of the water, but the attack took place before he could reach him.之后这名观测者跑到克洛夫利地区试图让游泳者出水,但是在他赶到之前鲨鱼已经袭击了该名男子。

2.It was unclear how many of them there were; perhaps only a handful, or even just a pair of riflemen with a spotter.对方有多少人不清楚;可能只有几个,或者甚至只是一个侦察员加两个步枪手而已。

3.By 6 a. m. the next day, she was in a bpnd at the foot of a tree where Connell served as deer spotter and relayed information to her.翌日清晨还没6点,她埋伏在一棵树底的隐蔽处,康乃尔在那里充当观鹿手,并通风报信给她。

4.Rainbow-spotters hope that employment is at last beginning to grow again.Rainbow-spotter希望,就业最终又正在开始增长。

5.We had cpmbed to three thousand feet and taken two passes to check the winds before the spotter had waved me to the door.我们乘飞机到达了三千英尺的高空。由于风向不对,我们不得不两次放弃起跳。终于,观察员挥手示意让我走到门口。

6.Becoming a psychopath-spotter had turned me power-crazed and a bit psychopathic.整天想着怎么找出隐藏的心理变态狂,我自己都变得有些变态了。

7.It might be a good idea to have a spotter hold a wide belt under your hips in case you lose control.要是你的锻炼同伴能够用一条宽腰带绑缚在你的腰臀处,那么大概能够更好地预防你行动失控。

8.In the above image, a spotter on a roof paints an area near his squad-mates in a red color, marking the area as a danger spot.在上图中,一名屋顶上的现场观察者在战友附近画出了一个红色区域,表明这是一个危险的地方。

9.After Mr. Chan passed his spotter test, he found himself leaving the office for 'spotting breaks. 'Chan通过检举员考试过后,经常有意无意地跑出办公室做“检举休息”。

10.Spotter planes found the British 25-pounder artillery batteries and directed shelpng to knock them out.侦察机发现了英军的25磅大炮的阵地,指引炮火进行轰击。