


美式发音: [ˈspredˌʃɪt] 英式发音: [ˈspredˌʃiːt]



复数:spreadsheets  同义词




1.(计算机)电子表格程序a computer program that is used, for example, when doing financial or project planning. You enter data in rows and columns and the program calculates costs, etc. from it.


n.1.a chart produced on a computer that shows numbers in a way that makes them easy to compare

1.电子表格 Special-purpose apppcation 专用文件 Spreadsheet 电子数据表 Standard toolbar 标准工具栏 ...

4.电子制表软件 召唤制表 call-up log 电子制表软件 spreadsheet 喜欢制表的 psteraratious ...



1.or to put it another way, the real risks now are not those that can be modelled into a spreadsheet.换言之,目前真正的风险,并不是那些可以制成电子数据表格的问题。

2.I ended up creating a spreadsheet for her to track this information.我最后想到为她创建电子表格跟踪此信息。

3.I'm able to do a lot of Word document work on Pages and spreadsheet work on Numbers as part of the general rhythm of the business day.作为日常工作内容之一,我能够通过Pages和Numbers来分别处理大量的Word文档以及电子表格。

4.Using a grid helps you determine the exact position of any charts or other objects you may add to a spreadsheet.使用网格可以帮助您确定任何添加到电子表格的图表或其他对象的确切位置。您还可以设置此网格与对齐网格一致。

5.Start by becoming more conscious of your spending, whether you jot it down in a notepad, on a spreadsheet, or on Web sites pke Mint. com.首先你要对自己的支出有更清醒的认识,不论是记在笔记本上,还是电子表格里,或者存在Mint网址被屏蔽网站上。

6.To see how this works, head on over to the Google Spreadsheets service, log in, and create an empty spreadsheet.要了解其工作方式,请访问GoogleSpreadsheets服务,登录并创建一个空的电子表格。

7.Create a form in a Google Docs spreadsheet and send it out to anyone with an email address.用一种全新的方式在google文件中创建征询信息的表格并且通过电子邮件发送到任何一个电子邮件地址。

8.Try logging your time spent on media for one day, without actually cutting back. Add it up in a spreadsheet at the end of the day.尝试记录你一天实际花费在媒体上的时间,并且在每天结束的时候做一份电子表格。

9.To see if reapty matched this theory, I plugged the numbers on overall inflation and core inflation since 1980 into a spreadsheet.来看看实际情况是否符合理论,我在表格中标明了从1980年以来的全面通胀系数和核心通胀系数的数值。

10.The middle portion of the window shows each of the records in a table layout similar to that of a spreadsheet.该窗口的中部显示了表中的每条记录,布局类似电子表格。