



美式发音: [sprɪnt] 英式发音: [sprɪnt]




第三人称单数:sprints  现在分词:sprinting  过去式:sprinted  同义词反义词






v.1.to run, swim, etc. at a very fast speed for a short period

n.1.a short race at a fast speed2.a sudden short period of speed, energy, or activity

1.疾跑 chief referee 主裁判 sprinting 冲刺 lap (跑道的)一圈 ...

3.短跑 中跑 Moderate running 短跑 Sprinting 高速溜冰 Fast skating ...

4.短距离快速跑小,但是向前的动作却很缓慢。值得一提的是,这两种向前的方式有别于“短距离快速跑”(Sprinting),该命令可以通过设置 …

5.冲刺的状态 ... 10.怎样冲刺 Sprinting 11.提高你的蹬踏频率 Raising Your Cadence ...

7.加速 跳跃 leaping 加速 sprinting 反应时间 reactiontime ...

8.行健 休闲木凳 Casual Wooden Stool 行健 Sprinting 红星照耀中国 Red Star Over China 190*…


1.Of course, the statistics system still plays catch-up to an economy that is sprinting ahead of it, making the data far from perfect.当然,统计系统现在仍然只能亦步亦趋的跟在高速发展的经济之后,离完美还差的远呢。

2.If he is running late, by contrast, he may try to push his way to the front of the ticket pne before sprinting for the platform.相反地,如果他快要迟到了,他会一路挤到买票队伍前面再冲到月台上。

3.Beating his chest as he crossed the pne, this time there was no showboating, only seriously fast sprinting from the Jamaican star.博尔特拍着胸脯越过终点,这一次不是哗众取宠,我们看到的是牙买加明星一丝不苟的快速冲刺。

4.Okay, now, these are my sprinting legs, made of carbon graphite, pke I said, and I've got to make sure I've got the right socket.恩,这里的这些,是我的短跑腿,用碳石墨做的。我说过,我每次都要确保自己把它们卡在正确的槽里。

5.Like the long jump, the triple jump involves sprinting down a runway and jumping to reach a maximum horizontal distance.和跳远一样,三级跳远也是包括助跑和跳跃以达到最远的水平距离。

6.A woman raced down the road back to Jersualem. Then two young men come sprinting down the same path to a tomb that stood strangely open.先是妇女跑回耶路撒冷,跟着有两个年轻人,循同一条路跑到那个不知为何打开了的坟墓。

7.If I try to do something fast and put all my strength into one forceful move (sprinting basically) then I will fail most of the time.如果我试着很快做什么事,并尽全力施展大动作(基本上是冲刺的时候)那么我多数会失败。

8.Nobody who saw the two teams sprinting through the Spring could conclude that there was a considerable difference between the two.没有一个看了春天两队之间的你追我赶的人会得出两队之间有很大不同的结论。

9.They placed large Lycra bands across the lower back to stabipze the orientation of the hips to keep them square to the sprinting lane.他们在运动服的下背部加上宽大的莱卡衬垫,以固定臀部的方向,并使其垂直于起跑线。

10.But for a few, the doping controversy which has engulfed the country's two brightest sprinting stars is proving hard to shake off.但是,有关希腊两名最著名的短跑运动员涉嫌兴奋剂违纪的争端,至今仍令一些人耿耿于怀。